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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
I have one chin and I don't want him to be lonely so what "sort" of chin should I be looking for, for him?

Info: My chin is a mosaic, boy about 14 months old. (had him for 3 months)

If I get another boy I read they will fight and maybe die,

If I get a female then one of them would have to be "cut" but I don't want mine to be, I read spayed females are most likely to die.

any advice, or should I just not get another chin because he may be happy that way?

Same sex pairs have just as much of a chance of getting along as opposite sex pairs. If you do decide to get another, get a male.

There is no guarantee that they will get along, you have to be prepared to have two cages and buying two of everything for the rest of their lives. You will need a separate cage anyway for quarantine. This is the same for male cage mates, female cage mates, and opposite sex cage mates. All can fight.
Thank you that was really usefull and if i do get one, a male would be best then.
Yes I do have another cage than came with my chin, but not as nice as the actual one.

I do want another chin but don't what to risk him or my chin getting hurt.
Thanks again.
Thank you that was really usefull and if i do get one, a male would be best then.
Yes I do have another cage than came with my chin, but not as nice as the actual one.

I do want another chin but don't what to risk him or my chin getting hurt.
Thanks again.

Go slow with the introduction and realize that a chin that has been on his own much of his life will have to adapt to having a partner, if he ever does. I have also heard (and it was my experience) that it is easier to introduce a new chin if it is younger than the current one.