Need help from someone with a FN142!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2010
Glen Burnie, Maryland
So I just got done putting together my new Ferret Nation 142!!! :dance3:

Now my question: I have a male chin and female chin. The floor of the top level has the hole so they can move between the levels. How do I block this off? The litter pan is cut to fit around the hole as well. I was told before you use one of the ladders to block it off? But I cant figure it out? (And no, I am not using any of the wire ladders in the cage. I know all about little toesies getting stuck!) Is there something I'm missing here? Or is the person who told me to use the ladder to block it off going batty? Do I just need to buy a new litter pan without the hole?
looking at the bottom cage there should be a "hook" hanging down from the "ceiling" the ramp hooks on that and closes the hole.
You could order a bass pan without the cut out or you could put a tile to cover the hole.
Do not use the ladder.
You can swap the pans you already have (put the pan without cutout on top) and stick a chiller stone under the cutout pan on the bottom to keep them from walking on the bars until you can order a pan without the cutout.
Use the very bottom shelf as the middle section and then you will have it as one piece. Then the shelf will have the cut out. Then you can order some metal pans.
I can't take credit for it, I don't remember who, but someone else once suggested that! So I started putting my FN's together that way!
since you already put it together, you can use a 12 x 12 marble tile until you get a pan that does not have a cutout.
I keep a really thick piece(2x6x10 if i remember correctly) on hand at all times should my two bonded males start fighting.I already have the hanger bolts and hardware on it.All I have to do is just intall it over the jump hole.
If you loosen the screws that hold the sections together, you should be able to remove the shelf and the middle divider without having to take the entire cage apart.
I just turned the top plastic piece around so the cut out was now in the left front side and put a huge restaurent sized 6 pound can of veggies there over the wire. They like to sniff and see each other. And they use the can as a perch