Need a little baby advice to ease my concern...

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
Azusa, CA
I have a question(s) about my babies maybe someone can give me a few pointers. My Arwen gave birth to twins, Goblin (F) and Rowdy (m) exactly two weeks ago today. The birth went well and they have been steadily increasing in weight and size. I have been weighing them everyday but missed once this last Monday night. On sunday both Goblin and Rowdy weighed 74 grams. Goblin was 42g at birth and Rowdy at 41g. Since they were born they have been more or less neck and neck as far as weight goes. I weighed them last night and Goblin was at 72g and Rowdy at 81. i checked a few times to make sure. I have seen them both with their mom, hard to tell sometimes if they are nursing but their weight gain had indicated that was going well. Both have tried some hay and pellets, are active, etc. Goblin didn't show any other signs that anything is wrong last night. When I left for school this morning Mom was covering both. I checked Arwen out last night too and from what I can see it looks like there are two teats being used and her teeth are orange-y so don't think there is a calcium problem.

My best guess is Rowdy is being a piggy and not letting his sister get in there? Arwen doesn't seem to be ignoring her and if Rowdy is gaining there is SOMEthing in there. I also have checked them over and found no bite marks or any signs of scuffling. I don't want to over react but i wanted to ask nowt in case. I don't know if i should intervene or how soon if i should. I have read up on the babies section and i got the formula if i need it. My questions are: Should I intervene or how long should i wait? Will I need to solely hand feed or just supplement? If I supplement Goblin won't stop trying to nurse from mom will she? Could there be another problem, something else I should look for? Anything peoples with baby experiance can tell me I would appreciate it so much. Love the little ones so much, I worry.
Kits aren't always going to grow in equal amounts. Sometimes one gets bigger than the other. You don't say that there is any damage to either one, and believe me, if they are fighting over a nipple or one isn't get enough milk, they will fight and you will know it.

If you have to interevene, I would rotate rather than supplement, as it's obvious mom has milk or they wouldn't be gaining. I think you've just got one growing at a slower rate than the other or maybe one pushing the other one off a bit.
The only reason I got a little worried is cause Goblin actually lost grams. I always weigh at night, close to 9pm. So sunday to tuesday is 2 full nights and not only did she not gain anything or even stay the same but she lost 2g. Which isn't the end of the world as long as it doesn't continue I know. When you rotate a kit how long do you keep them away from mom so the other can get a fair crack at nursing? Does it matter if it's done during the day or night or both?
When I rotate, I do it for 2 hour shifts, a few times a day. With quads or trips, it would need to be done more often and possibly, day and night as well, depending on the mother's milk production levels.

I also like to put in the JAGS dry mix for both the mom and kits to munch on with my larger litters. It is basically a dry supplement as opposed to handfeeding with a liquid supplement.

I use:
1 part powdered goat milk replacer
1 part crushed chin pellets
1 part 50:50 mix of baby rice and oatmeal cereal
and I sprinkle a capsule of acidophilus every time I fill up the bowl
If I'm seriously worried about weight gain, I rotate every 2 hours. Your guys are 2 weeks old now. I would leave the larger one away from mom for at least 3 hours, the little one in for 3, then put the large one back in for 2, then out for 3 again.

That's if you want to do it around the clock. If that's not practical, then do as Sumiko suggested and do it a couple times a day. The larger kit isn't going to be hurt by being out for 3 hours. Provide the dry formula listed, and you can even hang a bottle with the formula mixture in it. You just can't leave it hanging for long periods of time.
If they look ok-I personally would just watch them the next couple of days. You may have weighed them incorrectly on Sunday. Weigh him again tomorrow evening and see what it says. But if they are both content and nursing it may just be a fluke.

Thanks guys. I'll keep an eye on Goblin and see how she does over the next few days. I'll try to rotate first but I may go to get some of the supplies for liquid handfeeding just in case. For the dry formula the goat milk replacer, is there a brand? I know I can get it at the petstore near me but I don't need to have 25lbs on hand. I don't plan to need it after these 2 wean. Or does anyone sell it? I saw this on PetCo's site but i don't know how it compares:

Awesome! I just happened to get that brand myself. I stopped by Wal Mart on my way home from school, but I couldn't find any goat milk, just got the cereal. But there is a Fresh and Easy right around the corner from my house and that's the brand I got except in the liquid form. Not a biggie if I need to buy more, not expensive. Weighed them when I got home, Goblin the girl is still at 72g although Rowdy went up to 83g. Giving her some alone time with mom right now. I think my baby boy is just a piggie. :babyboy: