Named for a donkey loaded with gold lost in the dessert

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On valentines day I was greated with the greatest tradegy I've ever had in my pet owning life. My most precious Schroeder past away. The whole even was very traumatizing for me. He was not a young hamster he was about the average age for them to pass. In November we noticed his fur begining to gray and he was getting a bald spot ontopof his head. He was a very special hamster with the sweetest personality and his passing inloved many flowers from friend from campus and a word said before the opening of a play. But he had ammaloidoses(sp?) a build up of protein on the muscle tissue that eventually shuts down the kidneys. Its genetic and there was nothing we could do.

Friday morning we notice he was having trouble walking and couldnt lift his head to drink. He had been a little on the extra cuddly side the night before but was happy to run around and play the night before. by Saterday morning he couldn't lift his own weight and was crying softly. I was in tears (then and now writting this) and no vet would make a weekend trip in for him. I just wanted his pain to be over with. So in a last effort to ease his pain we mixed him a tastey but deadly cocktail, beer because they like the taste and a whole vicodin from my injuries last summer. He hadn't been drinking water all day but he did drink this. A minute later he stopped crying, then he currled up and went to sleep. I was happy he was no longer in pain but I will for ever miss him.

We bought him a stone mausoleum(sp?) and took him to a Spectacular view point and layed him to rest. He will always live on for us and nothing and no one can ever replace him.

There is only one pet store here and I decided yesterday that looking at his old cages from when he was little was making me to sad and maybe I could donate his old cages to the pet store for kids who want a new pet or to give some of there other pets a new home. I had never been there and was not happy with what I found.

In the center of the floor was a large cage with a young female chin in it. Her food bowl had lettuce in it! And her platforms were made of plastic! She was perhaps the most friendly Chinchilla I had ever met. Kneeling down next to her cage she came right over to me and snuffled my fingers. She was less fond of my roommate James but still sweet. Some one had purchased her from a breeder for their daughter, but the daughter had taken no intrest in this precious little girl. So they sold her to this pet store.

We left and came home. I spent the rest of the reseaching chins (thanks to everyone here!!) and in three hours I knew where she was was not healthy. So after debating long and hard, I had no intention to ever replace my dearest Schroeder but I couldn't leave this chin to the wolves. So we went back and made her part of our family. We got a fantastic deal $300 for her, the cage, enough good food for months, bath dust for a year and tons of different kinds of treats.

She really is remarkable. I chin proofed my living room and she played with me. She would run about popcorning. She would start to explore around a corner look about for me then coming running back and dive into my lap. She teases me but never gets to far from me. She even played with my rat. The rat stayed in her cage but neither showed any signs of aggression and Katarjenna the rat really seemed to enjoy a new friend.

Her cage is set up right next to the couch in our living room and as I've been typing she has reached through the bars and grabbed a lock of my hair which she is petting and nibblng softly.

We have been playing Prince of Persia lately and the male character had a donkey loaded with gold that got lost in the dessert. Our Farrah is much like this, she wasn't lost in a sand storm but in a land of no love and bad care. But she is loaded with love and friendship.
Nothing can ever replace a lost loved one...I'm so sorry for your loss and I know excatly how you feel. You did the right thing and now he's up there somewhere waiting by the rainbow bridge. At least that's where I hope my lost pets are...knowing my cat Rover though he's under God's couch waiting for someone to sit down then scratching their rear through the cushins!

Good for you on the rescue. I got my first chin Moche from a pet store too. He only had a plastic house to chew on. I've tried educating them on the chinchilla'a needs, but since it's a chain they have to do it by the book. I wish they wouldn't sell them. I do buy toys for the chins if they happen to have one in the "cage". I use that term loosely since it looks like an aquarium. I wish you lots of love and luck with your new buddy. And post some pics!!!
Thanks so much for the condolences Shaeway! I hope Rover is doing just tat too. Him and cecil (A past cat on mine) pobably get along great!

I will definetly post some pics in the afternoon. She is Beautiful!
So sorry to hear about your loss. It's never easy.
But definitely post some pictures! :)