My tower of chins

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
Northern Virginia
Tonight was cage cleaning night so I decided to snap some pics. I have a FN 143 with Lizzie living in the penthouse. Right now, her bass pan is turned around the other way since I pulled back on the intro to Maddie and Mitzie for right now. I am thinking I need to add some color to Maddie and Mitzie's section. Maybe a Squiggle Bridge?

So first up we have Lizzie

doors closed


The tower in all it's chinny glory! Or as my boyfriend calls it, "The Sun Blocker"

Maddie and Mitzie
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Wow, I have to say that is an inspiring cage set up. The ledge arrangement on the bottom two thirds is like a work of art, hahah - nice job making sure they can't fall far! I bet they have lots of fun bouncing around there.
that cage looks great! there sure are alot of platforms in the cage! lol
Very impressive!

We're just 'decorating' our first chinchilla's cage so will steal some of your ideas I think... :hmm:
Nice set up! but I agree that it needs some color! maybe some colorful whirlies and one of those squiggle bridges you were talking about! I love that bottom set up with all those ledges! Excellent job decorating! :)
thanks everyone :D I have a squiggle bridge on the way and I am going to be redoing a few other things soon, I will take some update pics after I finish
Have you thought about one of those really cool suspension bridges? I don't know who sells those... if my girl's big cage had more open space, I'd definitely get her one!
Have you thought about one of those really cool suspension bridges? I don't know who sells those... if my girl's big cage had more open space, I'd definitely get her one!

I have a bridge in Maddie and Mitzie section, only thing I find about the suspension bridges is that the chins are somewhat afraid to use it because it moves, they only "kind of" use it, like touch one paw on it while leaping to the other side of the cage. But I do like having it there since I don't have the divider in the 142, it gives me more piece of mind just in case someone was to fall from a high shelf, the bridge would be there to catch them.

I got my Squiggle bridge yesturday from Alli at Camphor chins, it is really cool! I can't wait to put it in. I am going to be replacing most of the shevles in Maddie and Mitzie's part to help make the cage a more neutral space for intros to Lizzie