My Sweet Hestia

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Chin lover
Jan 29, 2009
Mississauga, ON Canada
I was never part of the one chin only group as I adopted not a single chin, but a bonded pair as my first chinchillas. From the time I saw your picture on the rescue website, I knew that you and Loki were the chins for me. Neither of you had a name and were just listed as female standard pair age 3-5. You had been there a year and it broke my heart.

I remember the day I went to pick you up. Of course you had no idea your life was going to change so drastically.

Right away you settled in and loved playtime. Too much in fact that you became quite sneaky at hiding under things which is why you and Loki would have the last playtime of the night.

You were first at the door to your cage for a treat or a scritch and never did you spray or bite. You never kacked at me and only barked very rarely.

You loved your chinspin even up until last night. I had second thoughts about the appointment today but knew I just couldn't do that to you. You were a brave little chin and I know you weren't feeling well.

It goes without saying that this wasn't supposed to happen. Chins don't get cancer but that was the diagnosis. Your time with me was far too short and I will always have a place in my heart for you.

You were such a brave girl this morning on the way to the vet. Your first bus ride, even though it was only 4 stops. I said my goodbyes to my brave little girl. We walked home after so I could be alone in my thoughts. I buried you in the backyard next to Chocolate at the back of the yard.

You will always be my sweet little Hes.



I'm very sorry for your loss Tanya. Sometimes the right choice is the hardest to make, but the choice you made can only be a token of your love for Hestia and the desire for her to no longer be in pain and suffer.

Just take comfort in the fact that you have another furry angel that loved you up in the sky watching over you and your other babies.

Rest in peace, Hestia.
I'm very sorry for your loss Tanya. Sometimes the right choice is the hardest to make, but the choice you made can only be a token of your love for Hestia and the desire for her to no longer be in pain and suffer.

Just take comfort in the fact that you have another furry angel that loved you up in the sky watching over you and your other babies.

Rest in peace, Hestia.

Stackie has said it all....

I find it hard every time I read a post of a loved one leaving, tears just roll down my cheeks... am I just to darn ... anyway

Tanga, I am really really sorry for your loss.
Rest in peace little angel
This brought me to tears. Such a special little girl to be loved so much. I am so very sorryfor you. But for her: she is an absolutely lovely angel!
you gave her the best life she could have ever wanted Tanya. You made a decision of love that takes a lot of strength. RIP sweet hestia. big hugs to you tanya.
RIP sweet baby. She had a beautiful life with you Tanya, and she knows how much you love her. Hugs
May your sweet baby Hestia rest in peace, it's never easy and I'm so sorry that you had to make that decision but you know you did it for her and now she will be cancer and pain free and eating her favorite treats over the rainbow bridge.