My Ratties are getting new Digs!

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Just a lil' sinful...
Dec 31, 2010
My girls are finally moving up in the world! I got a great deal on a Critter Nation 161, the one level, with two shelves. I plan to expand it up to two levels soon, but this is much better for now! I already ordered them some houses, and I have an Owl house already that I originally bought for the chins. I'm so excited! I cant wait to get my girls in there and according to the rat calculator, this is plenty of room! I just want bigger! :laughitup: I currently have 6 adult/young adult and 1 little baby girl. Cant wait to start spoiling them rotten! I'm also working on getting some toys, ect, does anyone have any suggestions on toys? And they also need a bath, does anyone know what I could give them a bath in?

Pretty funny that I go to so much trouble for an animal that makes me break out in hives, isnt it?? :hilarious:
Congrats on the new digs! We give our rats baths in a square tuppelware bowl in the sink.

As far as toys, I've been wondering that myself.....:hmm:
I meant like Shampoo, mine like to go swimming in the tub... litterally. I had one loose in my bathroom and she decided to come up and go swimming in the tub! I had to rinse her really good because of the bubble bath, but she did smell good afterward!

So we both need fun toys... I did see a really awesome bird toy, it was ABC blocks and about a foot long, it was pretty neat and looked like something they'd enjoy.
Yeah ours like to swim too, that's why we put them in the tuppelware container, then put that in the sink itself, :) As far as shampoo---crap, I can't remember the last kind my bf used. I believe it was a gentle human shampoo. I'm not even sure there is a rodent-friendly shampoo.....if anyone knows holler won't ya?