My hanging house is saggy???

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***Chin Mom & Dad***
Oct 12, 2011
Hi there! I attempted to make my first fleece hanging cube house tonight. It took me about 6 hours. I used this site (but made it bigger for my chin):
It came out kinda saggy. :hair: So, I guess my question is if anyone has any suggestions??? Should I put anything stiff in between any of the layers? And also, what is the best way to sew the opening? I did the invisible stitch all the way around, but have seen some that look almost puffy, how do you do that?! I will move the loops more towards the corners next time. Thank you so much, as I have EIGHT more to do!!! :hmm:
Here are some pictures:


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My hanging house sags, i didnt think the chinnies would use it but they do like it :) Once they get the confidence to try it out :D
Thank you all! This is very embarrassing, but I do own a sewing machine... Anyways, I really appreciated that tutorial @Lee. I think why it took so long, is that I was making the completely seamless house and this was my second sewing attempt after the hammock...! Some of my girls can be very bad "destroyers" (haha), so I figured that if there were no seams tempting them, then they'd be less likely to destroy it as quickly. Does anyone else make the seamless houses? Is it over rated?! And would that look like a typical seamless house - any suggestions or improvements?? The tutorial I used (above), is that the best for the seamless one, it was pretty confusing! Thanks all! :)
I am going to give the seamless one a try sometime soon, I will post how it goes with some pics. Perhaps if I figure it out I can make some modified instructions to make it less confusing =P
I have rats not chins (for now) and it doesn't matter what I put in their cage it all gets destroyed.