My egg laying cockatiel, I have questions

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Socially inept
Jan 29, 2009
North Idaho
Well we lost Terra the male tiel 2 weeks ago this Sunday, but Cindy the female laid her first egg 2-3 days ago. Is there any way it could be fertile? She is so happy spending time nesting, she had been sad from missing her hubby. What should I do for her? Does she have to be on the egg 24/7 because she leaves it for 5-20 minutes every so often. TIA
I think the male fertilizes the eggs after they have been laid. I would leave the eggs in the cage for a week (can't remember exactly how long) so she'll stop laying eggs. Laying too many eggs aren't healthy for her. I am so sorry she lost her mate.
I don't know how long it takes from ovulation to egg laying in cockatiels (and can't even remember it from chickens). But birds fertilize prior to laying - else, how does the sperm make it through the egg's shell? :p

Tiels that lay eggs, especially if they start doing it chronically, can deplete themselves of calories, calcium, and other resources, and/or get egg bound - either way, they can get very sick. Please talk to your avian vet and/or research the condition, and do what you can to try to minimize the egg laying.

Our local cockatiel rescue site has a section on "egg laying in pet birds" They also have links to other reputable sources of info.
Typically they begin laying eggs about 10 days after mating. Did she lay eggs on the bottom of a cage, or do you have a nest box set up?
What type of diet do you have her on? If your already offering cuttle bone, and a varied diet other than just seed that's good.
I'd probably just let her sit on her eggs. There are ways you could make the eggs infertile if you aren't ready for babies, but anything is possible. Have you handfed before? If not I'm not far from you. I also have a bird friend in Athol which is closer to you that I'm sure would help you if end up with babies.
As for her getting up for 5 minutes at a time, this is normal. Generally the male would be feeding her, but now she has to do this herself.
If egg laying becomes a problem, you can decrease the amount of light she gets, move the cage, or rearrange the toys. This can sometimes help.
I don't know how long it takes from ovulation to egg laying in cockatiels (and can't even remember it from chickens). But birds fertilize prior to laying - else, how does the sperm make it through the egg's shell? :p

Tiels that lay eggs, especially if they start doing it chronically, can deplete themselves of calories, calcium, and other resources, and/or get egg bound - either way, they can get very sick. Please talk to your avian vet and/or research the condition, and do what you can to try to minimize the egg laying.

Our local cockatiel rescue site has a section on "egg laying in pet birds" They also have links to other reputable sources of info.

hum, guess I don't know my bird biology! :) I'm still trying to figure out what comes first, the chicken or the egg!
hum, guess I don't know my bird biology! :) I'm still trying to figure out what comes first, the chicken or the egg!

:p Though there are a lot of other critters that fertilize after the eggs are released (some fish, sponges, amphibians... ;) )
I think the male fertilizes the eggs after they have been laid.

Pictures Jenn with a baby in her arms. "Honest mom, I am a virgin, I have never been with a man!" :hilarious:

Cindy laid her first egg just before Terra died. I discovered it broken in the chins plastic dust house which is stored under the FN 142. Now she has one in a large dish of her Kaytee cockatiel food. i would love to have some baby tiels, but I don't expect it to work out this time. Thanks everyone. Christene, Let me know if you know of any tiel that needs new home. I would also like a big bird.
I think the male fertilizes the eggs after they have been laid.

I was totally trying to picture this. :wacko: <--I made that face when I was thinking about it.
What type of bigger bird are you looking for? I'm hand feeding some baby green cheek conures right now. Not so much a bigger bird, but they sure think they are! LOL
I have 2 little boys that will be ready in about 2 weeks, and super cute!