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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Winona, MN
Though I have about a million pictures, I'll just post a recent one of each...some aren't so recent...but oh well!

Libby - I've had Libby since she was 6 months old, she is nearing 5 years. She's a fatty here...but she has lost major weight since then!
Miniature Pinscher

Bella - I've had Bella since she was 5 weeks old, awful rescue case. She is 3 1/2 years old.
Chihuahua/Shih Tzu/Mini Poodle

Leila - We've had Leila since she was 7 months old, another rescue case. She is 3 1/2 years old.
German Shepherd

Ma-nee ("Ma-Knee") - We've had her since she was 5 weeks old, she was one of our foster dogs. She is 1 1/2 years old.
Rottweiler/Pit Bull

Marley - We've had her since she was 9 weeks old, she was a rescue case and we didn't know it...not until I brought her home and realized she was extremely troubled. She's absolutely great now.
Doberman Pinscher (yes...she is...she is not a Weim, she is not a Grey Hound, she is not anything but a Dobie...she is Fawn, that's all)
What a great group of dogs. I have a doberman and am very passionate about them especially. Remind me to get a female next time...!
Wow, what a nice group! Such expressions!! :heart:
Does your dobie have any skin problems? Just curious since I've heard that dilutes can have them.
Jenn - What color is your Doberman? Black and Tan? How old? Does he have any silly things he does?

Marley jumps around in circles and throws her paws on the floor really hard when she's excited. Then she'll stop.and stand up and hug me.

To Jenn and Cinder:
Marley came from a bad place though...When I picked her up, she was in the back of the truck cowering...not like a 9 week old puppy...not social at all. She didn't bond to humans AT ALL until she was 9 months old...I've never seen anything like it. She wanted absolutely nothing to do with us, just the dogs. Just recently I was going to have her spayed but I wanted to make sure she didn't have von Willebrands Disease first...the vet and I figured she probably didn't because I thought she came from a decent breeder...boy were we wrong. She came back with a factor of 16!!! When I called and talked to the breeder I didn't tell him why I was calling at first and when I started talking about vWD he didn't have any idea what it was...then I told him it was a blood disorder that has to do with low platelets...dude didn't even know what platelets were!!! Shortly after that she started losing hair and getting bad skin infections...turns out she not only has such bad vWD that she can't be spayed until I save up enough money to have a donor dog present and platelets pumped into her the whole time, but she has to have weekly bathes, probably for life due to her Color Dilute Alopecia...ugh!!! She's losing the hair all over her stomach/chest and gets really bad looks like she gets big hives all over her chest and then she'll get these circular patches of redness all over her groin area. She just recently started to bald on her loins, which is where it usually starts the worst.
Oh, AND she's VERY small...around 50/55 pounds. BYB SUCK!!!

She's absolutely great though, her personality is wonderful.

ETA: I should mention that her tail is docked and that when I got her at 9 weeks it was still healing...and continued to do so for months after that...I didn't really think anything of it at the time and then it hit me when she came back so low on the vWD scale.
Wow, what a nice group! Such expressions!! :heart:
Does your dobie have any skin problems? Just curious since I've heard that dilutes can have them.

My dobie doesn't have any skin issues...he thinks he's a greyhound, though. He keeps up with my hubby when he rides his atv around the yard. My hubby usually goes about 35 mph to give Spartan a good work out!

ETA - We rescued Spartan at 7 months old from a home where he was neglected and may have been abused. He was afraid of everything. He would even run from a camera! He has been to obedience school and has had a lot of training and even more love and has become a lot less anxious. He is a black and tan dobie. His ears and tail were docked when we got him. Spartan has an obsession with all the strays I have outdoors, and he loves trying to find them, although we have 5 acres and lots of blackberries, so the dobie doesn't have a chance! He has worn paths in the yard, going back and forth looking for cats! He loves to sleep upside down on our couch, all sprawled out. A lot of people are afraid to get close to him because he is so big, but he really is a pussy cat. I call him a moose- he doesn't seem to realize how big he is and constantly runs in to things! I grew up with a dobie and when my mini schnauzer died, I knew we had to get a dobie. But males lift their leg and pee on anything, so maybe next time a female!

I think it's wonderful that you help out so many animals. If I won the lottery, my money would go toward helping out animals. You seem to share the same passion!
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They're such good runners!! HAHA! Do you have pictures of him?

ETA: And JUMPERS!!! Marley can jump ANYTHING!!! Its insane.
Spartan jumps over a 10 foot pile of junk we have, that my husband has neglected to clean up! It's incredible how fast they are and how big they can jump!

I have a thread here with pictures of Spartan that I posted months ago...when I'm on the other computer tomorrow I can post a picture of him for you. I'm not sure how to link the other thread here, but I can upload a new pic...
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear she has such health issues. :(

If she has any tender skin areas, red, flaky, balding, etc. there is a 100% all natural oil product called CalmCoat. And I used on my girl when she had allergy problems (we figured out what she was allergic to). A little goes a LONG way with that oil too. I used it for quite some time, and I barely made a dent in the bottle. Oh, but I also have a mini dachshund. haha

Good luck, and you are awesome for rescuing!
Jenn, I found it! He is GORGEOUS! You wont ever have to worry about any dilute issues with a black and tan, lucky you! I love how glossy his coat is. I wish Marley's were glossy, but that is just impossible with her issues. He hair gets so brittle that when I go to give her a bath it just comes out in sheets.

ETA: Cinder, is calm coat mainly for itching? She doesn't itch with this disease.
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If you don't necessarily want to go fully into a raw diet, offering her some beef marrow bones might help up her iron levels and build better platelets before the surgery. Give them to her in the back yard since they can be messy, but she'll probably enjoy the heck out of them. You might have to talk to a specialty butcher shop, though; most corporate run grocery stores don't stock them any more. :(
Here are a couple of pics of Spartan who is 2 years old as of January. He's quite the character!

ETA - I uploaded these and then realized you'd found the pictures! Oh well...! Spartan has a sensitive tummy, and I have to make his food for him. I do give him a small portion of high quality dog food and add it to brown rice, burger (drained of all fat), sweet potatoes, mixed veggies, and plain yogurt. I think his diet really helps out his coat which does really shine, even though he is in need of a bath!


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I love Marley!! I have a rescue fawn also named Copper. I feed him California Natural plus Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and vit E. His coat is nice and shiny. I've had a blue before too. The dilute coats vary but I've been lucky with two with pretty good coats.

You have a gorgeous bunch of dogs :)
Jenn I just love Spartan =) And isn't is just like a Dobie to be on their back...haha.

Brenda, thanks so much. Do you have any pictures of Cooper?
What is the difference between 3 and 6 Omega?
I might have to pick her up some of these and the vitamin E.

Today, while walking Marley I looked down and saw that her coat was just flaking something horrible...UGH this poor girl. I came home and gave her a nice bath and she looks and feels better now.

I got more pictures of the dogs tonight...more recent ones. Please excuse the focus on this stupid camera. It was absolute hell trying to get it to focus properly...I will never buy that brand...UGH.

Ma-nee at a year and 7 months

Leila at a year and 7 months

Bella at a year and 6 months

Libby at 4 years and 10 months

Marley at 1 year and 7 months
I'll see if I can get some pics. I just pick up omega 3/6 capsules at Walmart in the pharmacy section.

Has Marley had her thyroid tested? Dobes are very prone to hypothyroidism and this can cause a poor, flakey coat. Copper is in the low normal range so I'll be retesting every 6 months to make sure he hasn't gone below normal.
They didn't want to test her yet because of her age. I asked them to but they said they wanted to wait and see if she displayed any more symptoms first (this was months ago and it wasn't until today that her skin was flaking this badly). How much do you give him (omega)?
Heeeeeeeere's Marley!!



Excuse the eyes in the rest of these pictures, the red eye flash messes with them a bit...

Annnnd she's off...

And back, with her crazy face...***stupid flash***