My deepest love and heartfelt thanks to all of you!

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
My dear forum friends,
Many of us know each other only through words and have never met. Some of you I talk to every single day, others less frequent, and some of you have known me through only my words and we have never spoke together at all. To ALL of you I want to say thank you so much for your love and support. I cannot tell you how much you mean to me! I have watched my beautiful sister, Lisa, battle this heinous cancer for 8 years and a few years ago when I first found CnQ I shared my fears and concerns about Lisa with you. This was when her cancer had not yet grown terminal, and you prayed for Lisa and me and my family then. We stayed together through the forum change and in the change I picked up even more supportive friends. It hasn't just been me who's been going through the terminal diagnosis this past year it's been you as well. Whenever I asked for prayers, prayers were sent and I'm so grateful for that.
Some of you have shared your own personal dealings with the death of a loved one--Theresa and Nikki both lost their mothers, and it was humbling for me that these stories were shared. Some of you have had illnesses of your own while helping me deal with Lisa's, some of you had to say a short goodbye to loved ones leaving for the service, for college, or just moving away, yet you always found time for me.
I am so honored to know you all. My heart aches at times and when I am here I find so much peace and comfort--you will never really know.
Lisa was the most beautiful, amazing person to have ever touched my life, and many of you told me you felt you knew her through me and that means so much to me.

Thank you all, so-so-SO much!
It has been an honor to share the trials, tribulations, joys and successes of life with you. It's definitely been a two way street. You can see the bright side of even the worse situation and that is the kind of friend I need. My life has been enriched and I have learned so much about life since knowing you. As our world gets smaller and smaller with telephones, internet, travel, skype, tweets, etc. we have the opportunity to meet people from all parts of the world and share different cultures, foods, religions, etc. Our horizons are broadened and our minds expanded by this sort of sharing. I'm so glad our paths have crossed.
Laurie, I have only known you for a few months yet I feel when we chat that we've been lifelong friends. We share alot of the same interests and most importantly you inspire me to see the bright side of things. The way you've dealt with your sister's illness and death with such courage and faith also made me realize how lucky I am in my life. Thank you too Laurie from the bottom of my heart!
You mean the world to me. You are one of the strongest people I know. My heart goes out to you during this time.