My boys are finally here!

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Active member
Mar 28, 2011
Welp, my boys got here! I'm pleasantly surprised. They actually have a nice, big cage. Toys, shredded wheat, some hay, and some pellets. The pellets are crappy Kaytee Fiesta or something. So, I'm doing as quick a switch as possible. I picked up a 50lb back of Purina. Doing the math, that'll last them 10 months or so. I'm going to deep freeze it like I do with my rat kibble. But boy, 50lbs is A LOT. I've also picked them up a flake of Timothy Hay, and some alfalfa cubes for treats. I've still got to place an order for some rosehips and such. We've got organic apple trees in the back yard that need pruned, so the boys will maybe be getting a perch or two, and lots of chews.

I think they must've run out of dust, because the boys are pretty greasy. They need groomed, but I'm a bit unsure how to do that. I've got to pick up a water bottle and dust this evening. They said they were a yearish, but they seem kind of little compared to other chins I've seen?

The beige(Is he beige? He has a light belly and ruby eyes.) one is Rum. The white/mosaic(Color help? He's all white, some black whiskers, black shading along his back/ears, the base of his tail is black, and a black spot on his bum.) doesn't have a name, yet. I need a pirate name for him, too. :p






The cage is not their permanent cage, but they're stuck in there for a day or two. I just got released from the ER for kidney stones and don't trust myself to set up their cage just yet. I also have to go get wood for ledges and shelves.

The white fellow is a bit more of a poser than Rum, but Rum is weaseling his way close already, he's very sweet.

Thanks to everyone who put up with my influx of questions over the last couple days!
They are cute! Congrats!

I picked up a 50lb back of Purina. Doing the math, that'll last them 10 months or so.

Just fyi, feed starts to lose it's nutritional value 3 months after it's mill date. I personally don't like to feed anything opened 6 months over the mill date- some claim that after the 6 month point, feed has lost a majority of it's nutritional value. It may be a better idea for you to sell your excess or donate to shelters and keep however much you can use in 3 months.

I also don't like the idea of deep freezing; ice crystals can form in the pellets, and once it thaws, the feed can become moist. I don't think it preserves it all that much, anyway.

ETA: Colors- the white is a mosaic (or just a white, both are correct terminology), if the other has a white belly, he is a beige.
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Congratulations on your new babies! I will let someone else answer the color questions. =)
They're darling, congrats! If they were on crap food before they may fill out some under your care. I'm sure they will love their new cage and dust! I'm not very good with pirate names, I can only think of Captain or Matey. :))
Your boys are very cute - how about Ahab? Davey Jones? Black Beard? hmmmm that's all i can think of right now
yay they are adorable! Seems like you've done your research and will be a good chin mommy. You could name the white one Patch :)
Oh! I'm glad someone told me that about the feed. I will probably keep enough to last a few months, and donate the rest to the shelter near me. They can always use it, since they always have rabbits and chins it. I wonder if we have a rescue... I'll have to look into it. It's no big, since I can get 50lbs for $15.

I was really JUST thinking of Captain Jack. Feels like Captain Jack and Rum go hand in hand, haha!

Thanks everyone!
Im a fan of Jack & Coke or Rum & Coke. ;) lol

They are very cute. Maybe if you live near another member they would trade chin supplies for food??? i agree.......i would rather spend 15 dollars on 50lbs and donate it than spend 9 dollars on 2.5 lbs from the pet store.

If you store it in an airtight container in a cool dry place it should be fine for the 3 - 6 month. My container is on wheels and fits right under the wood table my cages are on.
Thanks tons everyone. I'm really enjoying them already. I've already been calling up my dad, asking him to help me build shelves and ledges for them. I think he'll probably be better at it than me, lol.

Unfortunately, the huge cage they came with has plastic shelves, and some of them are nearly gone with how chewed they are. They won't be getting those back, so they may be in the little cage for a few days longer than I thought. I've got to get some lava ledges, too. I love the colors they come in.

I have tons of airtight containers for my rat's hammocks and food. I'm sure I can commandeer one from them for the chin's food. Does hay need to be kept air tight? I bought enough to last a month or so, I'm assuming.
I like Patches for one of them because of the patches pirates wear over their eyes! They are adorable, congrats!
They're pretty cute. :cute:

I wouldn't worry about making them wait in the temp cage. Better to have everything safe and secure.

You have that cage with the purple bottom and green tubes and what not, right? The superpet one? I had that cage too and just to let you know, I first made shelves that were 24" long and I had to undo a couple of the hooks that attach the sides together to fit them in. Then I got 23" shelves, and had to push the sides in to fit. Both lengths were doable, but it might work best if you get them cut to 23.5" (or go to the store with a measuring tape since most wood is not exactly the length it's advertised and find a two-footer that's missing half an inch).

EDIT: Looking back, I don't know you said you had that one. I must be thinking of someone else. Too many new people for me to remember!!! My feeble little brain...

I usually freeze my food for 24 hours in my regular freezer. I haven't noticed the food getting wet but I hadn't thought of it, I'll have to double check from now on. I just freeze it to help disinfect it partially. Then I keep it in the ziploc bag and put it in a rubbermaid container.

And like Kate (momenteller) said, hay should be aired out. I pretty much keep it in the original little bag I bought it in (I buy those 40 oz bags from pet stores) and stab it to make some holes and keep the top folded down.
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I usually freeze my food for 24 hours in my regular freezer. I haven't noticed the food getting wet but I hadn't thought of it, I'll have to double check from now on. I just freeze it to help disinfect it partially.

Freezing doesn't disinfect. It just slows growth of bacteria that are already present, it doesn't get rid of them.
Freezing doesn't disinfect. It just slows growth of bacteria that are already present, it doesn't get rid of them.

I didn't mean freezing sterilizes it. It might actually kill some of the microbes that can't live in freezing temps or if it freezes the food and makes the nutrients biologically unavailable they could die from that. I don't know how long that would take though.

I figured if there are less microbes in there that are pathogenic, my chin would have a greater chance of fighting off a smaller population of them as opposed to a larger population.

Since I haven't found a better way to disinfect feed or impede the growth of pathogens in it, I freeze it. What do others do? I'd like to know if I can do something better.