Music, Cartoons and Chins?

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I guess you just have to test them, play different genres and shows and just see which ones they best respond to. I found out how much Rocco loved Tchaikovsky by accident.
when Rhino first came home i played different radio stations for him for the first little bit. found out he liked country the best (only station where he'd sit and stare at the radio while certain songs were on - he loves Reba! lol). glad the lil furbutt and I have the same musical tastes, hahaha!

as for tv, haven't done that too much around him, but the other night i did have to move his cage to the living room since i had 3 kids sleeping over and Rhino would've kept them up all night if he stayed in the bedroom. i was watching simpsons on the laptop (i love my free internet tv!) and he was sitting on the shelf nearest to the computer, staring intently, and didn't move the whole time. even kept his one paw up on the cage bar without moving it! going to make an effort to bring the laptop in the bedroom more and play more cartoons for him from now on :))
LOL, ChinnyMom that is CUTE!:) Sometimes when i would play Degrassi, (dramatic show) Chico, the newest member would sit there and stare at the tv. She wouldn't put her paw on the cage though.. haha!

I play country music for my chinchillas a lot, I really haven't payed much attention to their behaviors as i have their cuteness.:)
hehehehehehe, kidding. I guess the do like country music.
This morning (I like to play country when i fall asleep) My mom woke me up to inform me my sister was in labor(YAY!!) and I turned off the radio, than I tried going back to sleep. (I couldn't go to the hospital yet because she's 2 hours away) Mouse got so mad at me he started shaking the cage door. I spose he just got mad at my mom for opening the door in the middle of winter, who knows he's just a crazy chinchilla? :p
They seem to like anything bright with 'dramatic' music mine are big fans of any news channel and private practise/greys anatomy!
My Ziggy stopped in his cage and listened intently to the Plain White T's "Delilah" the other day, it was really cute.

My boys all love movies, I have a little portable DVD player that I put on for them sometimes. Their list of favorite movies is Milo and Otis, The Secret of Nimh, and Madagascar. AZChins plays Oceans 11 for her bunch :) You will know they love it when they just stop and stare, transfixed.