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Jun 17, 2013
I have two male siblings that has been together since small but one of them(Shadow) is starting to mount the other one(Midnight). I dont think Midnight is submitting to the dominance. They are fighting each other and there are barking sound coming from Midnight. There are fur all around the cage. Should I be worried? Will I have to separate them from each other in the future? Can I do anything to stop it?
They should be separated immediately. Unfortunately chins, even brothers, can turn on each other. If one chin is going after the other and they are fighting then they need to be separated immediately before you wake up to a dead chin. While humping for dominance (and fun time) is normal and ok, the fighting that is resulting is not.
Im not sure, there is mounting occasionally. Im not sure if they are fighting since I never seen them fight before, but Im sure Shadow is mounting Midnight. They sleep and eat together, they lay on top of each other. I know that Shadow is starting to show dominance/aggression towards Midnight but not all the time. I am watching them closely. Do I still need to separate them? Or are they establishing the rank?
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If there was fur all over the cage like you said then separate them and be glad you got a clear warning. I have had 2 chins killed by cage mates over the yrs with NO warning. Just because they are brothers does not mean they will get along.
There are fur laying around the cage and fur sticking out of Midnight. I separated them already. Im curious to why they fight, was it something I did or it was just in their nature? We they ever be able to become cage mate again? And it seem like Midnight is looking for Shadow and Shadow is looking for Midnight. Midnight has been doing contact call every now and then and Shadow jumping around a lot which he doesn't do much of until now.
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My boys, 6 months and 4 months, hump each other a lot. It usually ends in the one being mounted kacking, and giving a bark. Then he'll turn around and mount his brother, until the brother does the same. They'll chase each other around the cage for a few minutes, then one will end up standing on his hind legs as tall as he can, and kacking at the 'loser'. They are never aggressive about it, no fur being shed or anything like that. And they both "take turns" at who becomes 'the loser' and who "wins".