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Animal/ Outdoors Lover
Mar 16, 2011
1. Do they pee on you? If they do, do they get over it once they're more comfortable with you?
2. The chinchilla I'm getting is 3 years old. Can he still get used to a new envirement at that age?
3. If he is a chinchilla that has had a fairly good home, and is socailized well, will he still be like that when switching envirements?
4. I'm buying the cage with the chinchilla, and it's the cage he happens to have been staying in for quite awhile. Will having his old cage make it easier for him to adapt?
5. I relize they poop a lot, but do they poop on you?
6. If he bites when I first get him, will he grow out of it?
7. Will he like it if I keep frozen water bottle in his cage? I also have a cooler thing you put in the freezer and stick into your lunch to keep it cool. I was thinking about buying the granite thing they have at the pet shop, but I'm trying to pinch money.
Most of the behavior questions will simply depend on the chinchilla himself. They all react diffrently.
Iv never had a chin pee on me, the can poop on you, but its a dry/solid pellet like peice, that will jsut fall off you when you move.
Firstly, congrats!

Boys rarely spray pee as a defense like a girl will do, so he probably won't pee ON you, however beware of the back corners of the cage - he'll probably inadvertantly spray your walls while he's peeing in his favorite spot. :p

Since he is going to be staying in his same cage, it MAY help him adjust a little faster in the fact that he will feel secure inside his cage, but you have to remember that you are new, the smells and sounds are new, etc, so it'll still be a big scary world for him on the other side of the bars. Try to be patient and let him set the pace.

In my experience, chins rarely bite unless mishandled. Don't grab at him or hold him too often at first and you won't be bitten. Give him time to decide you won't eat him first. This could take anywhere from a week to a few years, depending on the chin. Three is still young considering their long lifespan, so be patient, you'll have a lot of years together. No need to rush things.

If you want some other tips or links to chinnie stuff, check my website :
1. Do they pee on you? If they do, do they get over it once they're more comfortable with you?

Females can spray urine with a fierce accuracy if startled or angry. No they don't lol.

2. The chinchilla I'm getting is 3 years old. Can he still get used to a new envirement at that age?

Yes -every new environment is a learning experience regardless of age.

3. If he is a chinchilla that has had a fairly good home, and is socailized well, will he still be like that when switching envirements?

Depends on the chin and how much time and patience you have. If he's socialized at one place he could have serious attitude at the next place or vice versa - ive had chins that were terrors elsewhere be very sweet to me and rehomed terrors to find out later they are lap pets now. Or if he's socialized and you don't spend time with him he's not going to bond with you.
4. I'm buying the cage with the chinchilla, and it's the cage he happens to have been staying in for quite awhile. Will having his old cage make it easier for him to adapt?

Maybe. Depends on how he reacts - more importantly is the cage you are getting a good, safe one? Does it have dangerous ramps with open spacing or does it have plastic that's obviously been chewed?

5. I relize they poop a lot, but do they poop on you?

If you are holding them yes. It's like having chocolate sprinkles on you really. You wont even give it a second thought after a week. And weirdly, if you have an illness scare you will never be so excited to see poop again.

6. If he bites when I first get him, will he grow out of it?

Depends - some chins are agressive. I've had some bite me out of nervousness at ranches but haven't done it since. Don't mistake investigatory nibbles for agression though - they test their environment through their mouth so some nibbling is normal.

7. Will he like it if I keep frozen water bottle in his cage? I also have a cooler thing you put in the freezer and stick into your lunch to keep it cool. I was thinking about buying the granite thing they have at the pet shop, but I'm trying to pinch money.

No don't leave the water bottle in there, people usually only use those in case of an over heating emergency - they will chew a hole in it then you will have a wet chin - wet chin = problems. Don't ever put the lunch thing in there - it has chemicals inside that if chewed could make your chin very ill or kill him.

the chinchillers/granite pieces are ideal - I think threewingedfury on here sells them for like $5-7. Or you can get a granite tile at home depot and cut it in half.
Hi Sheila, I got Leonard when he was 6 and he's adapted great to living here. I have had a couple of my girl chins spray pee on me when they are angry or agitated but I have never had a chinchilla pee on me when I had them out of the cage. They can't help how much they poo so yes you will get it on you and there will be some outside of their cage as well. It's quite easy to clean up. Sometimes they don't outgrow biting, but they normally only bite hard when they are frightened or agitated. As your chin gets used to you this should not be a problem. Nibbling or testing bites when they think your finger is an apple stick is quite different and really doesn't hurt. The frozen water bottles in a cage aren't recommended as they sweat and then could get the chin wet which is not goodl. A chiller is a good idea for them also a glass dish or fishbowl is cool for them to sleep in.
I dont think it matters as to what age the chin is. Every chin is different when it comes to reacting with people. As long as you play with him every night and you give him lots of attention, in time he will be friendly as ever. But every chin is different, you could spoil the chin to death and he still won't like you!

I have never had a chin pee on me. If it is a female chin, they will spray you only because they are frightened. Though, I have three male chins and they have never peed on me.

It takes time for chinchilla's to get used to their new environment. For the first few days try to give him his space so he can get settled in. Then try to play with him, if he seems frightened you shouldn't take him out to play. Try to hand feed him and he will eventually get used to everything. It's just like if you were to move into a new home, it just takes some time and patience before you are comfortable.

His old cage will give him a sense of familiarity. So it will probably help the transition a little bit.

They do poop a lot, sometimes when they are scared they will just drop a little poop every now and then. If they are running up and down your legs when he is out to play with you then you will have poop on you but it's not a big deal. Their poop is hard and it doesn't crumble.

Chins shouldn't bite you unless they bark at you first. If your chin is barking, please do not stick your hand in his cage. He will bite and it will hurt. My chins nibble on my hands whenever I pick them up, it is their way of grooming you.
Most of the behavior questions will simply depend on the chinchilla himself. They all react diffrently.
Iv never had a chin pee on me, the can poop on you, but its a dry/solid pellet like peice, that will jsut fall off you when you move.
Yeah, poop is never a big deal for me. It's the pee that makes me cringe. xP

Firstly, congrats!

Boys rarely spray pee as a defense like a girl will do, so he probably won't pee ON you, however beware of the back corners of the cage - he'll probably inadvertantly spray your walls while he's peeing in his favorite spot. :p

Since he is going to be staying in his same cage, it MAY help him adjust a little faster in the fact that he will feel secure inside his cage, but you have to remember that you are new, the smells and sounds are new, etc, so it'll still be a big scary world for him on the other side of the bars. Try to be patient and let him set the pace.

In my experience, chins rarely bite unless mishandled. Don't grab at him or hold him too often at first and you won't be bitten. Give him time to decide you won't eat him first. This could take anywhere from a week to a few years, depending on the chin. Three is still young considering their long lifespan, so be patient, you'll have a lot of years together. No need to rush things.

If you want some other tips or links to chinnie stuff, check my website :
Alright! I will definitely look at that web. And I love your YouTube videos! Tami is just the CUTEST most devilish thing. :)

No don't leave the water bottle in there, people usually only use those in case of an over heating emergency - they will chew a hole in it then you will have a wet chin - wet chin = problems. Don't ever put the lunch thing in there - it has chemicals inside that if chewed could make your chin very ill or kill him.

the chinchillers/granite pieces are ideal - I think threewingedfury on here sells them for like $5-7. Or you can get a granite tile at home depot and cut it in half.
Alright thankyou! I'm glad you told me not to put the water bottles in there! I don't think heat is a problem for me though. My room is the coldest one in the house! Haha. :)

Hi Sheila, I got Leonard when he was 6 and he's adapted great to living here. I have had a couple of my girl chins spray pee on me when they are angry or agitated but I have never had a chinchilla pee on me when I had them out of the cage. They can't help how much they poo so yes you will get it on you and there will be some outside of their cage as well. It's quite easy to clean up. Sometimes they don't outgrow biting, but they normally only bite hard when they are frightened or agitated. As your chin gets used to you this should not be a problem. Nibbling or testing bites when they think your finger is an apple stick is quite different and really doesn't hurt. The frozen water bottles in a cage aren't recommended as they sweat and then could get the chin wet which is not goodl. A chiller is a good idea for them also a glass dish or fishbowl is cool for them to sleep in.
I will definitely be putting a glass bowl in the cage! :)

I dont think it matters as to what age the chin is. Every chin is different when it comes to reacting with people. As long as you play with him every night and you give him lots of attention, in time he will be friendly as ever. But every chin is different, you could spoil the chin to death and he still won't like you!

I have never had a chin pee on me. If it is a female chin, they will spray you only because they are frightened. Though, I have three male chins and they have never peed on me.

It takes time for chinchilla's to get used to their new environment. For the first few days try to give him his space so he can get settled in. Then try to play with him, if he seems frightened you shouldn't take him out to play. Try to hand feed him and he will eventually get used to everything. It's just like if you were to move into a new home, it just takes some time and patience before you are comfortable.

His old cage will give him a sense of familiarity. So it will probably help the transition a little bit.

They do poop a lot, sometimes when they are scared they will just drop a little poop every now and then. If they are running up and down your legs when he is out to play with you then you will have poop on you but it's not a big deal. Their poop is hard and it doesn't crumble.

Chins shouldn't bite you unless they bark at you first. If your chin is barking, please do not stick your hand in his cage. He will bite and it will hurt. My chins nibble on my hands whenever I pick them up, it is their way of grooming you.
Thankyou! Haha, I called his owner and she says he's very friendly, but I will definitely take my precautions!
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