Mildly Infuriating Vet Visit

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Nov 1, 2011
Well, I thought that I should take Digby to the vet before we moved for a general check-up to make sure that everything was shipshape. I found a clinic that sees exotic animals, Pet Care Veterinary Hospital ( in Virginia Beach, which is only about 15 minutes from me.

I was told by one of the staff that a general check-up would be $58.50. Made the appointment last week and went in this morning.

I'm not sure what is more infuriating - the fact that the vet gave me information that I know to be incorrect or that I had to pay for it.

The nurse that showed me in and weighed him also has a hedgehog, so she asked me what bedding and food I use and didn't voice anything but approval and agreement. Then the vet came in (Dr. Fisher) and was a jerk from the off.

He asked me what I feed him and I told him that I feed him a mixture of high quality cat food (Chicken Soup, Blue Buffalo, and Natural Balance) and mealworms as a regular treat. He basically told me that this is the wrong diet for a hedgehog and I should be feeding him an insectivore diet.

Attempted to sell me a ziploc bag of that Mazuri stuff ($4) that everyone says is awful as well as some Vitamin mash ($12) to feed to worms/crickets. Also mentioned superworms, which I have also read may not be good for hedgies.

I wasn't trying to be confrontational or anything, but I told him I'd done a lot of research and what I had found was that the diet I have been feeding him is what most hedgie owners use and have found to be healthy. He rudely responded that he was a professional and that I came in to hear his opinion so he was going to give it to me.

Actually, that's not what I came in for. I came in for you to tell me whether or not my hedgehog was healthy. If I needed information on how to care for him, I wouldn't wait two months after getting him to procure it. It was simply insulting to hear him suggest that I was not taking proper care of my animal, suggesting that information on the internet is not reliable.

Obviously, I said that I was not just taking the advice of Susie Nobody, but that this was advice from experienced breeders as well as people who have owned and cared for hedgehogs. I realize that he has a degree, but he is a general exotic animal doctor, not someone who specializes in caring for hedgehogs or has actual experience having one as a pet. The fact that everyone in the office was so excited to see Digby made it obvious that they don't get hedgehogs in very often.

He also handled Digby very roughly in my opinion, which also rankled me. It is common knowledge that not all hedgehogs like to be petted on their backs, yet he started doing that immediately and none too gently. Luckily, Digby didn't freak out as he'd been out socializing for a while and gotten over his grumpiness/anxiety.

My final gripe is the fact that he took some of his poop (plenty of it, of course, as he was going all over the table) to do a fecal exam for parasites, etc. He made no mention of this being an extra charge, just took some and said they would do it. This added an extra $28 to my bill, which I wasn't aware of until I went to pay at the end (I feel like this kind of thing is so dishonest).

In conclusion, I would not recommend this particular vet. It also begs the question of what kind of information other vets are giving out about hedgehogs - this might shed some light on why so many people seem to be misinformed. If a professional veterinarian is telling you information like this, an inexperienced hedgehog owner who hasn't done their research doesn't know any better than to trust them.

Overall, I am just infuriated at the whole experience. Especially considering it cost me $86.50. Any comments on similar experiences or what I went through would be appreciated.
Sadly, there are lots of vets out there that give similar advice. How to care for hedgehogs is not something that they get a lot of schooling for. And where they learn it from isn't always up to date on current practices. I've seen plenty of veterinary medical books for hedgehogs that list insectivore diets. Some vets are willing to listen to experienced clients and will change their recommendations accordingly. My vet loves to talk to me, he's always been open to listening to me, and what I tell him other owners have done.

I've met a few vets that I would never go back to.

With one I got into an argument about my hedgehogs being over weight. I had a 666 gram hedgehog who had just won ribbons at a confirmation show, she wasn't fat. But yet the vet told me that an adult female should weigh XXX amount. Um no, they come in a variety of sizes. I have one at the moment that if she ever got anywhere close to weight 400+ grams she would be OBESE.
I'm just glad that unless he has any problems, an annual check-up is all he needs. I definitely won't be going back to that guy.
Hopefully you can find one that you like and trust. I drive over an hour to see the one I do. Oh there is a good one closer, but the guy I use I completely trust and have never seconded guessed him. A good vet is well worth the time and gas :)
How frustrating. Are you able to dispute vet bills? Probably just a sticky situation unless you contact business bureaus.
i can definitly relate, there is a vet up here that will swear up and down she is "the best exotics vet around" and that she "should be running the vetrinary board so she can tell other vets what to do"
yet when she saw my chin for stasis recommended i give her BABY FOOD *ugh* then insisted that the eye infection she so clearly had was just 'sleep in her eyes, like humans get in the morning'
i took my chin to another vet and will not go back to that clinic now. (my chin did have an eye infection btw the eye swab confirmed it with the new vet who never doubted me for a second)
they use to have a GREAT vet there who took care of my first hedgies but she works once every 2 weeks. only for a day. so going there is hopeless now.

the worst part about this is this unknowledgeable vet actualy gives talks and seminars to the vetrinary comunity which other vets attend. :banghead: