Miesha and Sonic Thread

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
NE United States
Finally starting a thread for my boys so I can share pics without creating a new thread for each set.

Let's see, we've been through Christmas up North and then home to get a FN and Sonic had a birthday. I'm way behind!

So here's the Vacation Digs (thanks to Forchinate Chins for the shelves and wheels!) and a couple shots of Miesha (mosaic) and Sonic (black velvet) at play.


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Awwww what adorable little guys. I love the fourth one with Miesha upsidedown in the tunnel. Silly chinny.
Adorable little guys! Are they seprated or together?

I thought the picture of Miesha was side ways at first! Or is it? lol
They're separated and very much aware of each other. There was a well worn patch on the fleece in the left back corner of each cover where they spent nights trying to get at each other. I got to witness this one night. The two of them trying to dig through fleece and metal and grunting at each other. Definitely not the attempts of two chins who wanted to be nice! If I let them meet each other without a barrier I'd have a chin fight.

At least Sonic doesn't try to attack me if I pet Miesha first now. He used to treat me like I was Miesha if I did that. It was scary! Especially since he's so fast! He'd throw himself at the bars and swat at me and bare his teeth. Made the tasmanian devil look tame!

Now he reaches through the bars to swat me if he wants attention and he sniffs me over intently if I smell like another chin. I have hope that someday, maybe, but I'm not holding my breath. They're single chins.
Yikes, they don't sound like they want to buddies at all lol! It's a step forward for him not treating you like Miesha and trying to bite, hopefully one day they can maybe get along and be paired!
In Feb I found an FN and posted such in the Ferret Nation Club thread. Then I got the thing set up and outfitted for Sonic's birthday. Here are two shots of the cage. The first is the top half with Miesha crashed in his hut. The second is Sonic's first level digs. And one of my March baby in his birthday hat.


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And finally the awesomeness from ChinChic! I got a reversible set for a FN, matching tube liners and cuddle shelves, and new buddies - all in clovers for March. Thank you, AnnieO! :bliss:

The last shot is Sonic enjoying a nibble on his new, home-made wood shelf. I wanted to get his tube in there so I had to get on that! ;)


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Your chins are beautiful! Miesha looks like a character and Sonic is so cute in his hat.
Miesha is adorable in the tube! And Sonic is deffiantly rockin that hat ;)
Thanks, Everyone! I've started calling Miesha "Brain" from Pinky and the Brain. I guess that makes Sonic "Pinky". Crazy thing is they fit! Miesha is so calculating. He's always giving me a look that says "You just don't have a clue, do you?" and I'm always asking him what it is he wants. He likes to be scritched but most of the time he refuses and just gives me that look. Sonic's just so crazy-happy to see me most of the time that he popcorns if I pet him. It's so easy to make him happy.

I loved playing with Sonic and that hat. He likes to be touched so much that he'll sit for a bit and let me balance stuff on his head. Then if I want pics of it I have to distract him with a treat or his hay and he'll let me do it again. Miesha just wants to eat the hat.
I now understand the hair ring issue better. Last night was my first experience with both the check and the removal process. You'd think I'd have done this before since I've always had males and have had chins just a bit longer than I've been a member here. It's never been a problem - until last night.

Miesha, my mosaic, was the hapless victim. He was doing the classic frequent cleaning motion as I was checking the cages before going to bed. This was supposed to be a quick once-over check for necessities as it was really late and I was exhausted. Hm, can't ignore that motion when you see it though, so I reached in to see if he needed me to check him out. He looked unhappier than usual. Kind of uncomfortable. You just know when they're out of sorts. And he was a bit swollen once I could finally glimpse beneath him. So I scooped him up, and sure enough he had something in the sheath. He doesn't like to be held and he did not want me messing with him. Still, I was surprised he didn't bite me the way I expected to be bitten. He never pierced my skin even though he pinched me a couple times as if to say "I mean it. If you touch me there again I will so hurt you!"

I understand why this would be a vet visit for some. It almost was for me. The ring was huge! Wishing I'd paused to get a picture. His penis was almost purple and looked a bit raw, and he would not hold still the whole time I was trying to move this thing off this sensitive area one-handed without pinching or pulling or otherwise hurting him. I'll be doing a check at least once a month from now on to try to catch rings before they become like that again.

In the end, he was bouncing about the bathroom like nothing had happened while I swept a chins-worth of fur off my cloths. Once I set him down, he cleaned himself thoroughly, then started moving about more normally, eyes clear and alert, free of the discomfort of that lump. He even had his usual "accident" (both my chins have no issues "using" my bathroom floor. "sigh" The swelling was gone by morning and to be honest, I don't think it was from the ring. I think it may have been from his attempts at self-removal. The ring was above the rub mark and would not slide off. I had to break it up, which took a bit of time with a wiggly chin in one hand and only my fingernails to work with. I'm exhausted. He may not mind being up until 2am but I could have really used the sleep. Wish me luck. Checking Sonic tonight. ;)
Got a couple of pics of my happy chinnie's tonight. Miesha is so much better that he's licking my nose and grooming my hand. And that's after his follow-up check tonight. Everything is looking as it should. Sonic is a bit annoyed with me for being handled but is also in the pink, so to speak.

I have to admit that I almost panicked and called my vet. But I remembered what I'd read here and that so many of you take care of this all the time and gave it a try first. I'm so glad I did. It may have even brought Miesha over from the dark side. I'm not holding my breath, just enjoying the moment.


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