Male chin question

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2009
Do male chinchilla mess with their...manhood...just for the fun of it sometimes?

I mean.

I noticed about a week ago that he seemed to be maybe "grooming" himself more than he should. About 3-4 times throughout the whole day.

So me and my dad gave him a hair ring check, found nothing, and even helped him retract. Went well he was even calm as I held him.

But Ive noticed he does it in the last month, the act that seems like he is grooming himself?

I thought that ment he had a hair ring but we just checked him!

Could he do it for another reason?
Okay so he is fine. Yay, that is what I like to hear. Now I have nothing to worry about but his fur biting guuuh.
Is it just his manhood he is getting at or is he fur chewing?

Also, mine groom themselves alot and I never find a hair ring but you should do a hair ring check at least once a month.
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Boys will be boys. :) Mine will um "groom" themselves numerous times throughout the day, especially in the evening when they become more active. I have given then hair ring checks and nothing. Sometimes I catch them just looking and investigating down there to make sure it is still there. Sigh, we can either do hair ring checks and put up with the boys "grooming" or we can get sprayed by a female, pick your battle.

If he's fur chewing, find out what's causing it. Mine started out of the blue, but stopped once I got him a buddy.
He is chewing on his sides. Has been for a few weeks. There has been no changes except my sisters dog is staying with us. But the dog is downstairs.

Im hopeing its boredom since lately Ive been really busy and some days have not got him out of his cage.

Tomorrow I finally have enough money to buy him a big wheel, it was hard to find one [live in small area] But I found one.

But he is chewing sides. Just grooming his manhood, which you said was normal.

And Brit, nice to know its him being a boy. He is turning around 6 and half to 7 months this month XD

And its odd, Pixel seems to like humans, he doesnt bite [well he test bites and nibbles but no attacks]

But he doesnt seem to enjoy other chins. Atleast not the two girls he has met before [my friends chins]
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Yes the grooming his manhood is normal if its not because of a hair ring but the fur chewing is not. Fur chewing can be brought on by stress and/or boredom. Even if the dog isn't there in the room, does he bark a lot?
Not alot but sometimes when my mom plays with her she barks if you keep the toy away.

I try to keep his door closed. And somedays I play soft music so he isnt in silence and so he hears that instead of all the things downstairs.