Loud Silver surfer wheel?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
My boys have a silver surfer wheel and are housed in a quality cages chinchilla townhome. Sometimes the wheel is quiet, but most times it is very loud by shaking the cage bars. You can hear the wheel in the living room while my chins are in my bedroom! Can anyone suggest a way to quiet the wheel down?
I had to make sure that the surfer mounted in my FN 142 was mounted correctly (I had the top 'hooks' not seated correctly and had to reposition a bit) - quieted down a good bit after that... I have also noted a comment in some other thread about kind of squaring up the wheel a bit - it seems it had gotten a bit warped in transit?
It's very loud in my 182's also. I think it's because my Chins jump as they run, they don't run smoothly. Also, the cages have a lot of give to them.
Mine makes a lot of noise too compared to my Ed Spins. Mine our hooked up to wire cages if that makes a difference or not.
At one point when I had the QC Mansions, I tried putting a 6" x 1" board all the way across the back of the cage and attaching the wheel to that instead of the wire cage itself. It quieted down a little bit (there was never any noise from the wheel, just the cage), but i think with a wire cage there just is no such thing as a silent wheel. :)
I've had the same pink surfer wheel for about 6 years now and it still works like new and gets used by my two girls all the time.. it can be noisy i have a QC mansion.. but i got so used to the noise i dont even hear it anymore!