Loss of cagemate

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Active member
Aug 27, 2010
Atlanta, GA

Sweet Tifa is acting strange with Izzy gone. It was very sudden, so I know it bothered her. She has also never been the "lone chin" her entire life. I feel horrible for her. She hasn't been eating much and has even taken to tossing her dish all over the place. She scattered some hay but doesn't look like she ate much. My poor baby. I know she misses Izzy. I do too. :cry3:

I've been trying to spend as much time as she will deal with. What else can I do to help her through this tough time?
i fear that day for mine to. Only other thing i can think of is the age old answer. Get her another play mate'. Course its a tad harder with chins
There will be no guarantee that another cagemate will be a solution to anything. In fact, she may hate a new cagemate. Give her time to grieve, she's earned it. Get her a cuddle buddy if you think she needs it, otherwise, just give her a little time. Any potential friend you bring in would have to go through a 30 day quarantine anyway.
i fear that day for mine to. Only other thing i can think of is the age old answer. Get her another play mate'. Course its a tad harder with chins

When my chin lost his cage mate, he turned into an aggressive "I want to murder anything that remotely resembles a chin" machine. So, no, another cage mate may not be a good solution at all.
No worries, I am trying to do what is best for Tifa #1. A chin we bring in will be with the hopes that they could one day bond, but understand they might not ever. I am prepared to deal with that. I just want to at least give her the oppotunity to accept another. She has a cuddle buddy in her cage and she has used it. I can tell she is horribly bored though and I'm trying to keep her entertained during her grieving process. Poor baby just doesn't understand.
I am so sorry you both have to deal with the loss of Izzy. I agree that time will help, maybe extra attention from you, and a cuddle buddy might help as well after a while. Do you have a wheel or a saucer? Maybe a new toy or two could help...
O am so sorry. My chin THe queen (bratty) is also going through this. she lost her cagemate a little over 2 weeks ago and she was very depressed for a few days, then she just wanted to sit in my lap and cuddle! :( just also wondering if a friend would be good for her in the long run possibly later in life! :(
I'm very sorry you both lost Izzy. I agree with Jenn that maybe some new toys may help. If you didn't have a wheel/saucer, that would go leaps and bounds to help entertain her.

You can always try another cagemate in the future, but be prepared to house them separately if things don't work out.
I too think for now the two of you need some extra time together. If you let her out for playtime do it in a smaller more confined space if possible. A cuddle buddy and you are the answer for her now.
Full disclosure: I completely anthropomorphize my chinchillas.

When Baby died, very suddenly and unexpectedly, both Mr. Whiskers and I were devastated. After I had cried my eyes out and sobbed until I was choking, I very gently opened his and Mr. Whiskers' cage and held Baby up for him to sniff his little lifeless body. I told him what had happened, and that Baby would never be coming back to live with him. I KNOW that he understood me.

We both grieved in our own ways, separately and together. I gave him as much one-on-one attention as he would take, and then cried with him when he laid in his and Baby's little cuddle cup bed with his paws hanging over the side with his little sad face on top of them. It broke my heart every time I saw him like that.

Finally, My Little Snuggler joined our family, and after quarantine and a successful introduction, he and Mr. Whiskers bonded and are now living happily ever after.

Please tell your chinnie everything about what happened to Izzy, because I KNOW that they DO understand us. Give her extra lovins' and attention. Tell her how much you love her and then do it again. Eventually, you will both get through this and maybe you, too, will get another chinnie. :)
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