loose brown stool

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I just gave my new girl an oatmeal bath as she is quilling. Then I let her run around a while. She went potty and it was loose smelly and brown.:vomit: Is it because of stress, bath or????
It could be from the bath and stress. Coming to a new home can be very stressful for some hedgehogs. Add in a bath (which can also be extremely stressful) she may have had a negative reaction.

Have you changed her diet since she came to your home? Diet changes, if not done slowly, can cause their GI to become upset. I've had rescues who got runny smelly stools because I didn't know what food they were fed before. Within a few days, they usually were fine again (stools often can be green from these stressful situations too).

If she were mine, I would monitor her for 24-48 hours. If the stools become more runny or very frequent (keep in mind babies can poop a lot, often and can smell worse than an adults), then I would schedule a vet visit. Usually after 24-48 hours stress stool will start to go away and normal stools will start to show up again.
Thank you for the reply. I did switch her food. There was no bag and no way for me to know what kind of cat food it was other than cheap as it really stunk, the way cheaper dog and cat foods smell. The girl didn't remember what kind it was either. So I bought a really good organic cat food. No fillers, corn or preservatives... so yes you are spot on she could be reacting to the richer better food. I don't know why I didn't put that together.:duh:

She has also not tried ANY other food, the fruits and veggies went untouched as well as the mealworm. The previous owner said she wouldn't eat them and she won't I even broke one open for her to taste/smell guts and she wouldn't eat it, is this normal for a young hog?
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Some babies love mealies and some won't touch them. Same with the other foods. Give her a few days to settle in, then try the mealies again. A few people on here have said when their babies wouldn't eat any other treats they did like hard boiled eggs, so try that too.
You may also find that you have to try several times or for that matter many times to get her to try new things. Some are just very resistant to new foods.

I have a rescue that I took in in late July. About 2 weeks ago I got him to eat his first mealworm ever. I had been offering him a mealworm each evening after giving the girls theirs. He wouldn't touch them. I had him out running around on a blanket, offered him a mealworm, no go. I left it on the blanket. He continued to explore for a bit and came across it on his own and gobbled it up. He's been eating mealworms ever since, and is even eating them when offered now. So there is hope for change.