Looking for quality Breeders.

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Dec 5, 2010
Federal way, wa
Hello. I was looking for another thread for Chin breeders but there are so many i couldn't find one!!

I just wanted to know if there is a web site or somewhere i can go to find quality breeders in my area (i refuse to use craigslist).

I have found some breeders but they mainly sell stranded grays. I want to find someone that is more divers with colors.

The reason i want to find a quality breeder is not just because i want to adopt a quality chin, its also because i want to meet someone in person who can tell me more about breeding for quality kits.

thank you guys for your time.
It won't be until next year, but there will be in a show in your general area coming up. It's a great way to meet lots of breeders, look at some awesome chins, learn about the qualities you want when breeding, etc., and have a large selection of chins to choose from as they are often for sale. Watch the chin show section next fall and try and attend the show.
I googled chinchilla breeders and found a nice small home breeder 30 minutes from me who I now talk to on a regular basis. I'm so glad I found her. If I ever have the guts to breed, which I doubt I will, it's nice to have someone to get advice from.
P.S. I used to live in Federal Way!! Loved it there! Wish I could come back :(
<3 Thanks Jessica! You just gave me the warm fuzzies!

cmbrantley2007- Try looking on Hoobly. You might be able to find some proven chins from reputable breeders that are downsizing.
I second Tunes advice. The show will be next September which will be a good time to get a chin (most of the summer heat is gone by then) and you will get to meet all of the breeders in the north western area. It will give you a wide selection of chins to choose from so that you will undoubtedly find a chin that is the color you want.

If you don't want to wait for the show, a good breeder to contact in your area would be Sarah. Her website is qualitymutationchinchillas.com she is only about 3 hours away from you which is a VERY reasonable distance. I drive 3 hrs to get my feed every two months!

Even if you get a chinchilla before the show, I'd encourage you to go to the show next year. There will be a lot of breeders from the north west as well as some of us from California. ;)
Thank you guys, i have been looking for shows for a while now but every time i look it up all i find are Reptile shows.. Is there a link on this site stating when the shows will be?

Thank you RDZCRanch. I will check out the link now.

thank you everybody. hopefully i find out the details on that show. And i will go even if i find my chin of choice before then.
my goal is to get a "Ebony" and a "Wilson White" preferably but any white will do lol

and ive looked for tons of breeders but i only really found the one that was givin to me by the link above lol

and i guess washington has a bigger scene than i thought lol
I know one close by. I got my newest Chin from Chin-NW just over on the border of Pacific and Auburn. She has very good quality chins and is quite close!