Lixit water bottle owners

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
I wanted to see what ppl, that have used this type of bottle, had to say about it after a while. Iv heard some good things about them. But iv also been hearing some bad things as well. Generally centered around water not flowing out of them. And at $15-20+ each, I'm not eager to get one if theirs a good chance they don't work well.
if your chins are used to using the ball style water bottle, then they may take some getting used to this one, as it is a spring loaded valve instead of the ball bearing inside the tube. you'll need to hang both styles of bottles in the cage for a while, until you see your chins consistently using the new one.

i personally use these ones: and am quite happy with them. no leaks, and the metal guard over the plastic cap is perfect for my plastic addict Rhino, lol.
I havn't used that exact model, but I bought this model at tractor supply. The valve is the same and it hasn't leaked yet for me. I just switched all 10 of my cages over to this and it didn't take long for my chins to figure out the new valve compared to the ball which I found no matter what type of bottle I've used it leaks.

What I like about this particular one compared to the one you posted is it holds the plastic bottle away from the cage so little teeth can't reach it and the price is MUCH lower at $6.99 for the 32oz bottle! so it's not as much of a risk in trying it out!

That's my experience! Hope it helps!
@chinnymom Yea, those are the exact same kind i have now. Iv been using those for many many years. But all 5 of mine are leaking a good bit. And the caps are starting to not attach correctly. (Can keep turning them forever, and every time you take it off, the spout never lines back up the same when you recap it.) But that might simply be cause their getting old/used. Iv had them for quite a while.
Other then these recent problems, they have been great water bottles no doubt. And considering their glass and still only like $5~, its a great value.

@jacd061506 Iv never seen that type of bottle before. And thats the same store i get my food from. I also have ferret food dishes that use the same attachment method, so i know for sure they will hold. And at $7~ thats a lot better then the other models $15-20+ (Especially when you factor in how many i would need!)

Thank you both for your inputs!
I have been told that chins generally don't have a hard time transitioning from a ball to a valve, just the other way around. I have been through SuperPet and Lixit ball style water bottles (both of which leaked) and am now onto Ryerson's bottles. I like them... so far. I do like the idea of the flip top on that Lixit one, though.
I like the valve-style bottles, but we have had some chins (rescues) that have a hard time switching. We really need to watch once we put a rescue in a cage that's got one of those bottles cause we have some rescues come in that can't figure them out and they won't end up drinking if they can't figure it out. That's with rescues though - if you're able to really watch and make sure your chin is able to drink from the bottles, I think they're great - they don't leak, so when the chins are little nutballs in the cage they don't end up shaking all the water out of the bottles.
I have been told that chins generally don't have a hard time transitioning from a ball to a valve, just the other way around.

interesting. i would think the change from ball to valve would be more difficult for a chin, because they have to learn to use pressure against the valve to release the water. with the ball, all they have to do is lick or nudge it slightly.
Has anyone with any version of those Lixit bottles ever had problem with water not coming out of it? (Even tho the pet is using it correctly)
I noticed several of those reviews were mentioning problems with it. I'm not sure if its that type, or just that bottle specifically, but it raises concerns.
yeah that chew proof bottle that chinnymom linked is the one i use and it's better than any water bottle i've ever doesn't leak and it attaches to the cage really well and it's easy to take off and refill and put back
I have bought the chew proof bottle that chinnymom linked. It really not leaks. BUT water doesn't come out. I like the chew proof design but the quality is bad. I have read a lot of good reviews as well as bad reviews about that bottle. So I think the quality of this bottle varies. My chins end up with valve style bottles. I love it very much except the price.

It takes my chins two days to change from ball style bottles to valve style ones.

I bought it from

just find another Lixit valve one with lower price

That's my experience. Hope it helps.
Iv been using those glass bottles for the last few years with my chins. (And even longer with my ferrets) They do work great.
I just bought two of the small linix bottles last night. Hopefully tomorrow i can have them hooked up. (one for males and one for females) Naturally ill leave their regular bottles in their too. Well see how these work.
If they don't, ill just get new glass bottles again.
I tried several, and I prefer the ball tip bottles glass or plastic.

But for those who have the ball tip bottles that leak, here is something you can try to stop it from leaking.

When you fill it up, make sure it is to the rim.
Turn it upside down and with your finger, tap the tip until water comes out and you see a bubble of air go up.
Stop tapping and it should not leak anymore.

Gently put it on the cage and that should do the trick.
If it leaks a little, tap again until the bubble comes up and it will stop.

The important thing to remember is the bottle must be filled to the rim.
But for those who have the ball tip bottles that leak, here is something you can try to stop it from leaking.

When you fill it up, make sure it is to the rim.
Turn it upside down and with your finger, tap the tip until water comes out and you see a bubble of air go up.
Stop tapping and it should not leak anymore.

Gently put it on the cage and that should do the trick.
If it leaks a little, tap again until the bubble comes up and it will stop.

The important thing to remember is the bottle must be filled to the rim.

this is exactly what i do every time i refill bottles. not so much to prevent the leak factor, but to ensure the bottle is working and giving out water when i put it back on the cage.
Chinnymom, so I understand your bottles do not leak.;)

although I have forgotten to mention, with older bottles, the bottle may come to leak. Look at the washer in the cap, it may be damaged.

Try for the heck of if to fill your bottle half way and turn it. I guarantee you will have a leaky bottle.
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I just cleaned two of their water bottles and attached them next to the small Lixit bottles.

Some things i noticed right away. The glass bottles have that wire support that hangs from the cage to help support the bottle. The lixit bottles do not. It rests right on the water valve. That and the spring are the only things that hold it up.

That being said, the bottle must rest on a horizontal bar. For a FN cage, that really limits your choices. And since due to that again, it makes the tip of the water bottle a bit higher then the glass bottles.

The top 'screw on lid' is also not that great. It gets maybe a half a turn and thats as far as it goes. So its not very secure.

So with the lid, the bottle being plastic, and the poor method of attachment, things arnt looking overly great. But the chins are asleep atm. We will see how the react to the bottle over the next several days.

The one up side at least. Its not dripping'





Don't mind the stained up trays. I have new metal ones that just got here. I'm just waiting on the design on the metal litter pans for them. I don't want them using the new tray itself as a toilet.
Well i mentioned the lid not being very secure yesterday. Sure enough last night i had to move the bottle over. And it was on its side for a moment. Water came pouring out of the seems of the cap on top. Got all over the floor and my leg >< So do not lay this thing on its side or upside down even for a second.
Update: My chins aredefinitely not taking to these bottles after about a month. I'm kinda glad they didn't, because i don't rly like these lixit bottles anyway. All the issues i mentioned before, id rather not use them.

Another thing however. I did get new glass water bottles. The same kind shown in that last pic. Their the exact same kind, and same bottle size. But it seems one thing did change about them. (And not for the better IMO)

The nozzle where the water comes out of, is now shorter then the old ones i have. The new bottles nozzle barley makes it through the cage bars. My girls seem to still be able to use them. But another millimeter short and i don't think they would.