Lixit All Living Things Blue Cloud Dust?

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Sal n' Mr.Tibbs

New member
Mar 1, 2012
Does anyone know if this is good dust? I recently bought it and it seems that even though it starts out with that corn starch feeling it ends up feeling like sand. Is this the nature of all dusts? I purchased it at petsmart. Here's a pic:

i find the dust gets 'grainy' after it's been used a few times. that's about when it's time to dump the dust bath and put in fresh here in my chin room.

from my reading, blue cloud is the name of a specific mine that makes the dust, and different brands carry it. so lixit brand blue cloud is fine.
Thanks for the input! I will now just dump the dust more often in order to keep it fresh and good.:thumbsup:
I'm also curious about "Lixit"

We've been ordering Blue Cloud (in the original bag) from ChinWorld for a few years now, but as stated elsewhere on the site, shipping is quite ridiculous. I'm interested in the Lixit, since it can readily be found at PetSmart locally. But I am fearful that its not the same quality as our chin is used to after several years - can some our folks here confirm that the Lixit Blue Cloud is the exact same dust (quality-wise) as the original brown bag Blue Cloud. Thanks for the help!
We've been ordering Blue Cloud (in the original bag) from ChinWorld for a few years now, but as stated elsewhere on the site, shipping is quite ridiculous. I'm interested in the Lixit, since it can readily be found at PetSmart locally. But I am fearful that its not the same quality as our chin is used to after several years - can some our folks here confirm that the Lixit Blue Cloud is the exact same dust (quality-wise) as the original brown bag Blue Cloud. Thanks for the help!

It is the same dust as what comes in the big bags scooped by distributors on here and ranchers, etc. I order mine a few pounds at a time when I need to fill some extra space in a box of supplies from Ryerson's. They will also do 15 pounds shipped for 22.50 (about 1.50/lb), while Petsmart runs about $6 a pound.
while Petsmart runs about $6 a pound.

the 3 pound jar of All Living Things/Lixit Blue Cloud on is showing a price of $9.99. that's $3.33 per pound, not $6. still pricey as all heck compared to what you can get dust for from vendors here on the forum, and if you are including dust in an order of many items, the shipping cost isn't bad at all.

i myself buy the Lixit jar from petsmart, as it is cost effective for me with just two chins and a drier climate - i only dust them a few times a week at most in damper weather, and they share dust.
the 3 pound jar of All Living Things/Lixit Blue Cloud on is showing a price of $9.99. that's $3.33 per pound, not $6. still pricey as all heck compared to what you can get dust for from vendors here on the forum, and if you are including dust in an order of many items, the shipping cost isn't bad at all.

i myself buy the Lixit jar from petsmart, as it is cost effective for me with just two chins and a drier climate - i only dust them a few times a week at most in damper weather, and they share dust.

The 13 oz. is $5.49. Packaging costs! Ryerson's ships it in a garbage bag but I just dump mine a big plastic bucket to store it.
Actually Snickers on here has the best pricing I have found on Blue Cloud and I think she is running a sale right now. She is super nice to work with and ships fast!:thumbsup: