little sister.

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FuzzButt Lover.
Jul 15, 2009
Gallipolis Ohio
My little sister and my mom act like they hate me =[ I mean as if i need that right now.
my sister goes and tells my mom a bunch of crap and mom believes her without even hearing myside or even talking to me about it first she jumps down my throat and acts like im the worst person ever. when i havent done anything wrong.
i dont know i dont mean to throw my problems to you guys. but this has been going on for a long time now. and i just cant take it anymore.
they make me feel and make me out to be this terriable person, and at this point thats exactly how i feel.
worthless, lously, like ive let them down some how and thats why im treated this way. and i dont know what to do. i dont know how to stand up to them, and again im sorry i cam here with this but noone else understands. EVERYONE takes herside.
i have no one to talk to. and im really depressed right now. =[
thanks to anyone that read,
aww. im sorry. :(

unfortunately, im an only child, so i dont really know what you're going through.

but i do have a mother thats always up my butt about something and gets mad over ANYTHING.
so i can relate to that.

and you really should stand up to them, or try to.
just tell them how they make you feel?
sorry, im not much good with advice.
but i hope you feel better.

best wishes.
Thanks so much.
and ive tried to stand up formyself.. but i always get screamed at even more.
its like it does no good.
but thanks for your help anyway. It;s good to know someone kind of has a mother like mine.. UGH
The only advice I have is to get a job if you don't already have one and then move out if it gets too much to deal with. Some parents will treat you like a child forever, and others won't realize that you are turning into an adult until you show them that you are (hence moving out and becoming an adult). If talking with them, or reasoning with them doesn't work, then you have to do what is best for you. If you can't afford to move out, then work, get another hobby, go to the gym, etc. Anything to get out of the house and you can still be productive. Do you have any plans to go to college? If not, that might be something to look into. Good luck, growing up is hard. :hugs:
I agree with Cinder and Me, if you can't afford to move out, then get a job. If you already have one then get another one or a hobby that keep you out/away from the house more.

my little just ugh. She completely annoys me and I can't stand her. My brother grew up as a train wreck and my sister is trying to follow in his footsteps..attitude and all. I can't stand it so I stay away from her as much as I can. I'm going to college and working one job now. I'm off work Saturday and Sundays, then I have no classes on Friday's and I'm free on Monday and Wednesdays until 3:30 so I've thought about getting a job to take up those times. A family friend runs a grocery store around here and I thought about seeing if he would hire me and work with my schedule.

The less time you are near your sister and mom the better it might be.
Its just a suggestion but maybe write your mom a letter and tell her how you feel and how she makes you feel. Sometimes writing will make you feel better. Maybe reading instead of listening will make her understand more how you feel. She is your mother and she will eventually understand it just may take time but you have to get to talking and not yelling. I held a grudge against my mom for years because when i was 17 she left me in an apt by myself and moved in with her boyfriend. I was still in highschool and had no job or anyway to get food. It was really rough I didnt talk to her for years. Finally me talking to her and yelling at her and scolding her made me feel better and she understood what she had done. Just remember things can always be worse and things DO always get better eventually sometimes it just longer than we want it to. Just look at the bright side of things and look at the things you have. Thats what got me through all these years. Good Luck and remember hold you head high and smile because it confuses people.:gl::jump:
Can you get into some low cost or free counseling? Maybe even your mother would go with you. If not, go alone. The only person you can change is you and when you change the way you react to them, they will change, too. Good luck.
Sometimes the best way is to not join into it. This seems to actually have nothing to do with you. This seems to be about your sister and your mom. This sounds like your sister is trying to drive a wedge into your relationship with your mom she is getting something out of this. You may want to ask your sister why she is doing this.

If it were me I would sit and wait patiently, say nothing, do not react, be attentive but not letting your emotions get involved. They will eventually stop yelling. Then I would simply say, "I'm sorry you feel this way." or "I'm sorry you think that of me." Its very disarming and take the fire out of the fight. But it is so hard to do without being sarcastic. Especially as a teenager, I know you probably hate hearing that but to be honest it is really hard to be a teenager. If you let yourself get drawn in and let yourself take part in this you lose all your power.

I was the worst teen ever though. And I still don't think I'm old enough to give good advice.

I'm sorry this is happening to you. Hopefully it gets better soon.
My father has been like this my whole life. I have never felt like I was good enough for him. He hasn't been in my life really since I turned 16. Any I wouldn't ever stand up for myself or tell him how he hurt me for a long time. It made me very depressed and I took everything he did or said to heart. I still don't have a relationship with my 'sperm donor' as I call him. But now if he does try to attack me, I tell him exactly how I feel and why. I try not to yell, I just try to remain calm. I have learned to let what he says go. I don't hold it in and I do not take it personally. I just gave up with my father. So I know what you are dealing with. I know how much it hurts, but Sarah had really good advice on how to diffuse the situation. I know it's hard to do, but if you remain calm, it throws them off. And it shows maturity. It seems to me that they are not very mature. And I will keep you in my thoughts! I hope this helps. You are not alone and if you need to talk to someone, you are very welcome to talk to me.