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Anyone ever used it by is it good
Yes, it is. I've had good success with it in ill or malnourished chins. It's a supplement though, not a food replacement. If you need a food replacement, you need Critical Care.
I agree too - it is a very good supplement to add weight to a stressed or ill chin. I have used it on 2 adults and 1 kit (that got beaten up by his dad) with very good results
I'm using it right now on a sick chin with an URI and am adding it into the Critical Care. He could hardly breath a week ago and with the antibiotics, Critical Care, Life Line and acidopholus, I'm hoping he pulls through. He is still alive and his breathing seems better so hopefully adding the Life Line helped.
Thanks good stuff huh yeah i didnt figure i was going to just feed her life line... she eats mazuri that'd be fine to feed with it huh?
Lots of people sprinkle it right on the pellets several times a week. You can either do it that way or in a separate dish.
I prefer to mix it in a paste, feed them off a tablespoon, and get that "thank you, thank you" look!
Watching them kinda push each other out of the way, is cute, too!
Most of my chins get supplement 3 nights per week, and I sprinkle LifeLine over the supplement. I've also mixed it with Critical Care when I had to hand feed a very sick chin, and also used it to mask the taste of her meds.

The vet didnt think she'd even survive the trip home from his office, but here we are more than a year later. She's spunky as ever and you'd never know she was knocking on death's door last spring.
All I can say is try to email her again. Dawnna is great at getting back to people as soon as she can.
:dance3:i ordered it got the tracking thing should be here soon
I'd give it a few hours apart - antibiotics, then 3-4 hours later give LifeLine. If you give them at the same time, the antibiotics will cancel out any probiotics in the LifeLine supplement.
If you read the page about why Dawnna put LifeLine together, you'll understand!
Ive used it and I think it is great!!! I have sprinkled it on some oats... and fed it thru a syringe with water for the sickos.