Leaving your chinny?

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May 3, 2011
Hi guys this is a kind of random question, and it doesn't even relate to me...But! I was wondering, if you were to go away for a long period of time ( a couple months or so) and had to leave your chinny, when you came back, would it remember you? Would it act the same towards you as it always had before or would it not recall anything about you?
I don't no about the same, but they can remember you after a while.

I took my guy in off my brother. (and it was for the better for Chico) Brothers life was getting hectic with the arrival and growing of two new kids. My place is a much more stress free environment for him. And i have the time to take proper care of him.

But the first time my brother came back to my place a while after i took chico in, the boy still remembered my brother. Only difference this time was he was actually friendly toward my brother lol. (Chico calmed sown so much once he got here)

So i would say at least, they can remember. I would imagine their reaction is also going to depend on what type of care their getting while your not there.
I had to take my boys to Maria's (we exchange chin sitting chores) for 2 1/2 weeks when my sister had a kidney transplant and I went to Santa Fe to be with her.

I know that they were well cared for and even played with while I was gone, but when I got back and walked into the chin room, they both immediately got excited when they heard my voice. It made me feel very warm and fuzzy!!! :)
They definitely remember you! They never forget their person, trust me. They'll love you with no hard feelings. Animals don't hold grudges. Although those of us who get a Stink eye after doing something the chin dislikes may not always feel like that :p
Hi guys this is a kind of random question, and it doesn't even relate to me...But! I was wondering, if you were to go away for a long period of time ( a couple months or so) and had to leave your chinny, when you came back, would it remember you? Would it act the same towards you as it always had before or would it not recall anything about you?
I left Doughboy at Ronda's for a year and a half. When I got him back he very much remembered me and all of the tricks I had taught him. So did the rest of my herd.

Say if a small child dropped them, then that chin will remember that and no trust children.
Actually, they will not trust that child. They are smart enough to differentiate between people and have an opinion on who they'll trust the second a person enters their domain(or dominion, har har).

Selling chins over the years has been a fascinating insight into their psychology. Watching them scope out new people the second they walk in the door - or in a few rare cases, spray them. :\ I've had a couple returned for various reasons after two or three years. One in particular came back with a biting problem - except he never offered to bite me or the new owners. He's been with them a year now and still no biting.

They are smart and opinionated. People forget they are herd animals by nature and everything in the area that they can see, smell and hear is their territory. They are often very sensitive and possessive of both physical items and the living members of your family and will get really ticked off if you move furniture or add a new person to the household. :))
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They are smart and opinionated. People forget they are herd animals by nature and everything in the area that they can see, smell and hear is their territory. They are often very sensitive and possessive of both physical items and the living members of your family and will get really ticked off if you move furniture or add a new person to the household. :))

Humans (in general) like to feel superior. Thinking of everything else around us as less intelligent makes our egos feel better. Even if were wrong'

Many animals are much more intelligent then we give them credit for'
I think they remember you. I've read that chinchillas have a very good member. Posted by Boo Boo the Kiddo

Boo Boo, that is one interesting typo there at the end. I almost fell out of my chair laughing at it, I, also, wouldn't argue that point. :hilarious:
My chin bites me and dosent like me holding him. Hes six, i got him from a former owner from him. Is it because he dosent like being held or because he dosent trust me? :/ im worried now. Although the Former Owner said she hadnt picked him up for a long time because her daughter wasnt taking care of him and she didnt have time.
I agree...I had to be away from Trixie for almost a month when I had hip surgery, and then had to go to rehab. My husband took care of her. But the first day I got home, it was midday and she was in her fleece sleeping bag...but as soon as I started talking I saw the little ears pop out and then she hopped right out and did a bit of a chinny tap dance on her perch, near the door of her cage. That evening I took her out for playtime (my husband came to help me) and she would not leave the arm of my chair or my lap.