Lady on Craigslist with sick chin

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Gonna keck your butt ;)
Sep 15, 2010
Hey guys,

I thought you could read this and see if anyone here had any advice for her. She doesn't sound like she knows much about chins. :(

This was a post on Akron/Canton, OH Craigslist:

i got a chin off of some girl that said she was too busy for her,she wont eat anything (ive tried everything) expensive chin diet,raisins,grapes u name it..i took her to my vet and he says its because shes lonely, apparently chins are supposed to be kept in im afraid of my lil one dying..i need another chin not talking 50-200 chins i can get that at the pet store, im looking to rescue one that REALLY needs a home..please email me if u have a chin u need to get rid of...if you have a picture please send it as well along with age,temperment...thanks for looking and god bless :-D

Here is the email in case anyone wants to write her: [email protected]
This is what I sent her. Hope she joins!

From:Steven Sent:Sun 12/05/10 2:06 PMTo: [email protected]


I do not have a chin that I can rehome to you, but I wanted to give a little advice for the chinchilla that you currently have. First please know that not eating is serious and we need to get him/her eating ASAP. I would get some alfalfa hay and give that to your chin, chins usually love alfalfa. You can also try to syringe-feed your chin a product called "Critical Care" that your vet may have.

Getting another chinchilla probably will not help your chinchilla start to eat, in fact, a new chin may stress him/her out and make matters worse.

I would love for you to join this website: It is free to join and there are a lot of knowledgeable owners and breeders on there that can help you with any questions that you have. For now I urge you to make a post in the "chin emergencies" section so that you can promptly get advice from the members on there.
