Kit vs Adult

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2013
Hey guys. So I have quite a long time before I'm going to get another chin (Stanley doesn't like cage mates), but I still wanted to see what people think. When I get my next chin, I'm torn between getting a little kit and adopting an adult for a rescue. Part of me wants a kit just so that we can bond from the very beginning, but I also feel so bad for poor animals in shelters.

What have your experiences been? Do you have an opinion one way or another?
Some of the nicest chins I have ever had I adopted/purchased as adults. It depends on the personality of the chinchilla. Some chins I have had since they were tiny babies ended up being badly behaved, it was just their temperaments to be mean or flighty or naughty.

An adult rescue chin can end up being a wonderful pet, as can a kit. I vote to give an older chin a chance. However, kits are adorable and can be a lot of fun to raise! It's up to you what you would like to do. Regardless of what you decide, you'll love your new chinnie. :)
So far I only have gotten adults,retired breeding animals and small breeders with a couple pair selling out, to start my chin herd. We are picking up our first young chin end of dec. Although we will probably have our own kits by then. Hachiro is really round.
I have actually had both experiences, I got a bonded pair of adults and then recently I got a kit. Both experiences have been amazing, I love my older boys they are GREAT. Wonderful temperaments, love out of cage time, and healthy/happy. My kit also has an incredible temperament, he is totally daring and curious, and so far in perfect health. The only difference between them is that my baby likes to be held and will immediately jump on your hands and pay attention to you. That is what I personally prefer, I would love if my other chins liked to be held and paid attention to me. I also thing raising a chin from youth is an awesome experience. But like AZChins said, it is your personal preference and it also totally depends on the individual chin. No matter what you decide, definitely meet the chin before you commit so that you get some idea what they are like, although they will most likely change after they get comfy with you. I love all my boys :)
I got Rufus when he was a kit (now 7), Zoidberg was an adult (about 7 then, now 11), and Dale was a rescue probably around 5-6 years old (6-7 now). I'm much much more bonded with Zoidberg and Dale than Rufus. Dale got lots of extra attention when he first came to live with us because he was anorexic and has a hunchback and is deaf, so I think that made us closer. Zoidberg is the closest to cuddly of the three, he likes to be pet like a cat and will let you pick him up with minimal struggle, he also likes to sit close to the bars to get scritches. Rufus is just more stand-offish and always has been. I tried so hard, working with him everyday for months on end to try to get him to tolerate being touched, to no avail. He will let us pet him behind his left ear, and only when he is in the mood. I think it really just depends on the chin.
Thanks for the input guys! I think I'll probably end up rescuing again like I did with Stanley (since his cage mate was sold, the pet store he was at was going to send him to a shelter since "no one wants to buy a chinchilla over a year old anyway," so they just let me take him instead for the cost of his cage). Kits are just so cute and I figured bonding would be easier, but I have a soft spot for those looking for their new forever home.

Like I said, it'll be quite a long time before I get another chin, but I appreciate everyone's opinion!