Just got back from the vet...worried.

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Well-known member
May 20, 2011
New Mexico
So one of our girls (Eevee) eyes have been slightly watery. So we took her to the vet today to see what the vet would say. We thought our chosen vet would be ok with chins...since our old vet left. However, she really has me worried. We mentioned that we did not want males due to hair ring checks and she straight up asked us what a hair ring check was even though she owns a male chinchilla.

So vet says that a "tooth issue" of some type is possible, that it could be a bacterial infection, or that she has a tumor in either her eye or nose cavity. What she wants to do is put her under and look at her teeth to see what she can.

Our other 3 girls are having no issues, all 4 are eating, drinking, and pooping properly. They are on Oxbox and have access to hay and apple wood constantly. I know the amount of chewing does not influence malo really but just want you guys to have as many variables as possible.

So anyone else have any other ideas? Should we trust our vet? And what might be wrong with our girl?
I would run from this vet IMO, most vets know squat on what they are looking at when it comes to teeth and to come up with "tumor" in the eye or nose is just strange. I would track down local chinchilla rescues or breeders and have them recommend someone. Also, AZchins here may have a vet or a idea to go to in that area, PM her.
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I too would be concerned about a vet who doesn't know what a fur ring is. You might want to look for a vet who has more experience/knowlege of chins.

She is correct about what might be troubling your chin however tumors are rare. Since your chin is eating normally, hasn't lost weight and her watery eye isn't cronic I wouldn't have her put under to examine her mouth. If I did have her put under I would also get xrays of her teeth.

I would ask the vet to treat the watery eye with medication to see if that would help the problem. If that didn't work then I might consider putting her under for examination and xrays. Hope this helps.