Jed 2nd Operation. Worried?!?

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Chinchilla Lover
Aug 11, 2015
Lancashire, UK.
So my oldest fella Jed had an Operation for overgrown teeth last month which had caused an absess, the vet stated this WAS NOT Malo so I assumed the drooling would go away. Jed is drooling again and I've got him booked in to see the vet next week to have the same Op again. If this isn't Malo then what could it be? What's the cause? I've stopped giving him treats as they build enamel on the teeth quicker which makes it harder for them to grind down. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Tooth problems and the procedure to fix them can cause abscesses. They are normally treated with antibiotics, but I guess if it is bad enough they may need to go in and drain it. If the next procedure is to do the same thing they did before, you need to consider you r chin's qaulity of life. Trimming the teeth every month is really hard on them. When the vet said it isn't malo, he may have meant that there is no involvement of the roots. You do still have an issue with overgrowth that apparently needs treated frequently. This could go on for the rest of the chin's life. By the way, treats do not create more enamel on the teeth. They can cause tooth decay if they are sugary or sticky. The chin needs to eat lots of hay and have plenty of wood to chew on to wear down the teeth.
In order for the abscess to be treated, the source of the infection needs to be removed. If that does not happen it will never be treated.
When Jed had his first Op we was given an anti biotic which we had to give him through a plastic syringe and he completed the full course so I assumed the infection would have cleared.
Dental infections are different than those in other parts of the body. First the source needs to be removed, usually a tooth and then antibiotics are used. Dental infections are anerobic but secondary infections are common-baytril and flagyl are used together and the course can be long, 20-30 days is not uncommon.