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That is wonderful news Lynn! I think all of us are a little envious that this adorable little chin gets to go home with you! I hope Jimmy and 2 Paws become best of friends!
Tabitha, in your sales contract with Lynn you need to include a photo clause. We have to have pics and updates at least twice a month!!

YAY! We need pictures once a week! I can't wait to see Jimmy and Two Paws together. What a great happy ending. :dance3:
THANKS. Everybody!!! I am hoping and praying that LTP and Little Jimmy will be the ideal cagemate of each other's dreams!!!

I am NOT going to abandon all hope of LJ coming via SW -- remember that I always say the best advice my attorney ever gave me was,"If you don't ask, the answer is always NO"!!!
:hmm:You know there is such a thing as a chinchilla color persian cat. Maybe you could fudge a little,not much because after all you are transporting a "chinchilla kit"(nice little smile and play on words) he would be too young and tiny to have to have shots,maybe just "a general letter of health from his veterinarian" . Noo peeking in the fleece blankie though "cause baby needs his sleep". My husband says I can justify about anything and not actually even have outright fib about it,just use the English language to my advantage.;)
Forgot to add, if that doesn't work, we can always play dirty and pull the PR trump card. Just think what a great opportunity for a local interest story for Southwest Airlines to be coming to the aid of a very special need animal to get him to a safe and loving home which wouldn't be possible without their gracious humanitarian assistance.:dance3:
Why go through all this hassle? Tab is driving out here for Empress Nationals. Why not just bring him then?

The odds of the airlines changing their minds on a policy they have are slim to none, even for someone as cute as Jimmy. Instead of counting on that, why not either check with that new pet service that flies strictly pets or just plan on driving him out?
If at all possible I would like to avoid flying him. It will really make me panic to have him in the air without me. Weird, I know, but if we can figure out a railroad first I would prefer that method. If he does have to fly, he can fly with me in November to the ECBC national meeting as a last resort. If anyone is between California and Colorado and would like to help with a railroad you also get the bonus of meeting this chubby man! ;)

I'm really happy that Lynn is adopting him, I know he'll have a great home with her. I would keep him because I am so attached, but I would rather have him in a home where he will get a lot more one on one attention and his "special" needs will be catered to much better. He'll also get a cagemate that won't trample him! :hearts:
The odds of the airlines changing their minds on a policy they have are slim to none, even for someone as cute as Jimmy. Instead of counting on that, why not either check with that new pet service that flies strictly pets or just plan on driving him out?

I agree- not only wasting the time trying to convince them, but lying is definitely not the way to go. If they were to find out, he would probably be confiscated, and I don't even want to think of what would happen. :(

I would love to see Jimmy get home, but it may take time and patience for it to be done so he is safe and comfortable. As well as for Tab's comfort.
If at all possible I would like to avoid flying him. It will really make me panic to have him in the air without me. Weird, I know, but if we can figure out a railroad first I would prefer that method. If he does have to fly, he can fly with me in November to the ECBC national meeting as a last resort. If anyone is between California and Colorado and would like to help with a railroad you also get the bonus of meeting this chubby man! ;)

I'm really happy that Lynn is adopting him, I know he'll have a great home with her. I would keep him because I am so attached, but I would rather have him in a home where he will get a lot more one on one attention and his "special" needs will be catered to much better. He'll also get a cagemate that won't trample him! :hearts:

Sorry I am unable to help then.

Lynn, I am so glad to hear you are getting Little Jimmy. You have a good heart to take care of him as you have Little Two Paws. I am so glad to know that Little Jimmy will have a good forever home, and a cage mate on his own level so he won't be hurt. I can't think of a better place for him.
I have been keeping up on the story of Jimmy and was hoping he would get to live with little Two Paws!! YAY! :bliss:
Lynn, if we can't find people between us, I'd be more than happy to drive him straight to you for the cost of gas. My car gets over 30mpg on average so it shouldn't break the bank to get him out there and I don't mind the drive.

Kate, thank you for the offer to fly him with you and I'm sorry if I offended you. I'm just very attached to this little guy and he's been through so much already that I'd just rather not fly him. :(
Tabitha, If you are driving to the National Meeting, you could bring him then. I wouldn't want you to have to make the trip twice in such a short time.

I would love to have him while he's still "kit-like", since I've always wanted a baby chin, but I want what's best for Little Jimmy. I think as he gets older and heals up, we will find some people to help out with a railroad...

Give him a snuggle goodnight for me!!!