Is this normal behavior?

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Feb 18, 2014
My two girls are sisters and they are only about 10 weeks old. Whenever I have them out together they are constantly chasing each other and trying to "mount". I have never seen them actually try to harm one another. It almost seems like they are playing but I am not sure. They sleep together all day and the only time they do this is when they are out for playtime.
It's very normal! Part of it is simply playing and being silly, and part of it is the chins trying to be the boss. They're trying to tell each other how dominant they are. It doesn't sound like they are fighting at all. Younger chins do this all the time...possibly they are learning how to best communicate with each other or just trying to horse around.

I have a cage of younger females that does this constantly when they play. They popcorn around when they try to get on top of each other, they kack a bit and they scatter and run away. Chinchillas are strange little critters at times.

Boys do this, too. We expect boys to do it because...they're boys and, when they are young, they are maturing sexually and are hormonal and like to mount other chins, their humans' hands, etc. It's strange to see females do it, but it is completely normal.
Okay thank you so much for getting back to me! I figured they were just playing with each other but just wanted to be sure :)