Is he humping my arm?

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2010
When i put my arm in the cage Starrkey does something strange to me. To me it doesn't look like he's giving my arm some chin-lovin' (i've seen vids on youtube of lil chins having their wicked way with soft toys)....i'll explain what he does.

He'll come down to a ledge level with me, if i place my hand in front of him he grabs my arm (like he's hugging a tree) scratches me like he's digging, nips my arm and uses his back legs to scurry higher up me.

I'm not fussed by it at all, just wondered what it meant! He lets me give him scritches, and he sqeaks happily about his cage. Tried a cuddle buddy when i feared for his lonliness (though i really don't think he'd get on with other chins!) but he gave me a look of disgust and ignored it.

So what ya think? dominance? humping? grooming? or get out of my cage?
It could be a little of all of those lol! But mostly he just really loves your arm!
ohh yeah its the humping! He used to just cuddle my arm, but its like a light switch was clicked and now he's actually putting his efforts in. Which i found funny for the first hour or so....then i went to fill his food bowl with fresh stuff, and he got me again...try to give scritches and im ravaged!

lol i hope it is a phase as i don't really fancy being his satisfyer instead of someone who will give more than that haha. But also, its the fact of the erm...aftermath ill say, though i obviously just wash my hands! and the fact he bites down hard when giving me such attention. I swear if he had a chinny girlfriend she wouldn't stand for it, especially as he doesn't swish his tail or make any cute squeaks, just dives right in! Typical young-un eh? No romance!
My 7 year old male does the exact same thing to me. Always has. Especially if I pet him while he's out. Just like run my hand over his back...It's almost like it's his playful way of telling me to get off him and let him play. He does it for a few seconds then goes about his business. It never really seemed to me like a humping. More of just a playful sign of affection. I could be totally wrong though...
no, he's a bit of a sex-maniac now :-S i don't see how its all come on so quickly! He jumps down to greet me now excited as ever with his arms out ready to pounce. I made a cuddle buddy that i wore under my shirt for a bit so it smelt of me, and that worked for a little bit in my idea of training (i put it on top of my hand then left it in after hoping he'd use it instead of me then be in love) however he has already got to grips with it, he jumps over it and bites down hard on my arm and humps my arm now. It hurts!

I found something online with someone saying they had a similar thing and folk were saying if its dominance make a high pitched ouch noise to prove to him biting is wrong and it hurts, but he's definately getting more out of it than dominance- viscious lover! I'm going on holiday at the weekend though, so maybe he'll bond with the cuddle thing i made a bit more so when i return i won't be the attractive prospect anymore...