Is cardboard harmful?

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
I had set up a cardboard box for the boys for their playtime with some holes I had cut out in the box. It was one of things I had seen that someone had suggested for playtime...I had also seen someone said make sure they dont eat it but come on we are talking about chins! lol..and my boys are the type that like to chew and perhaps ingest. Im wondering if some cardboard is okay if they possibly swallow it, I mean I know it they nibble it, it shouldnt be harmful right? and they do sell the cardboard tunnels at pet shops?? I thought cardboard was safe for chins to chew?? Thanks again guys!
Cardboard is safe as long as they do not eat it. If they eat it, it can cause a blockage in the digestive tract, possibly killing the chinchilla. Just an FYI, not everything sold in pet stores is safe for chinchillas. In fact, most of what is sold for chinchillas is not safe.
So when you hear them nibbling at it does that probably mean their eating it? I never see any pieces on the floor, I mean I boys really do like to eat things I do believe. How can you be so sure? Is it worth the risk? So even jus a little would cause problems?
most chins will nibble it into very small pieces and spit it out..some will swallow it. I have a chin who LOVESSSS cardboard. She spits it out. Just keep and eye on poops if you're going to give out cardboard to monitor for digestive issues.
If you don't see it shredded on the ground, then take the cardboard out. They are probably eating it and you don't want to risk it.
Cardboard also has a lot of glue, if one of you family members is handy with tools ask em to make you some pine boxes/castles to play with. ^^