Intro to new cage...

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Dire Chinchilla Keeper
Mar 10, 2011
I'm not sure where to post this. Does it belong here or in Behavior or in the New Owner folder because I've only been a chin slave for 6 months?

Just got a lovely Feisty Ferret cage for my 5 year old chinchilla, Barnaby. I kitted it out with lovely kiln dried pine shelves and lava ledges. It stands 50" tall so he can look out from the top of his cage and survey his whole kingdom (the living/dining room). Most importantly, it affords him a better view of the TV than from his old 3 ft tall cage.

So, last night I put him in the cage and he enjoyed exploring. However, after a while, he was Done. He started chewing furiously on the wires on the lower door. I was seriously concerned he might hurt himself. After his and Hugo's regular evening romping time, I let him go back into his old cage and spend the night there. His Chin Spin was still in the old cage, so he was okay.

So, how do I get him to understand that this new cage is his home?
Also, will my Chin Spin break the cage wall? Is there a way to reinforce it without drilling into things? I don't have a drill and I'm lazy.

What do you think? :)

i'd move over everything at once from his old cage - shelves, toys, hammocks, food dish, wheel..... everything. maybe leave his litter pan only half cleaned/changed for the first night, and put it in the same place in the new cage as it was in the old. that way his smell will be all over in the new cage, things will be familiar, and should make him more content.

can't help you on the wheel/cage reinforcement much, but a piece of wood to spread out the pressure/force the wheel creates when in motion may help between the wheel and the cage bars. i'm sure there are other members on here that have done it and could provide directions/photos.
Dear fellow Chin Slave, : )

Thanks for your advice. I attached his Chin Spin inside the new cage and he is now fiiiiiine. He burns up his nervous energy in his wheel instead trying to chew his cage door to bits.

I am going to reinforce the cage so the chin spin doesn't shake it apart. I might be adventurous and try to solder some of the wire shelves I'm not using to the wall that holds the wheel. I'm not sure. This could be a disastor waiting to happen. I've seen pics where other folks have screwed some metal or wood supports into the frame. That might be a better idea.

: )

Lu, Slave to Barnaby & Hugo