In Desperate Need of Advice or Suggestions!

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2010
I work at a petstore, and we sell chinchillas. I have a pair myself, had them for 5 years and am always lurking on this site although I don't post frequently. We currently have a chinchilla with a severe case of ringworm. The vet that my work uses(which does not specialize in exotics, and definitely not chins) has us using miconazole and giving .4 cc of sulfamethoxazole twice daily. She had also told us to give him dust baths daily(which seems odd to me, a. too frequent dust baths dry out skin and b.wouldn't that spread the fungus more?). The ringworm has spread and he is not a happy guy. She saw him again today and said that if he doesn't improve by January 2nd, she will euthanize him. I hate to see an animal euthanized for something so treatable, and am asking for any suggestions out of desperation.

Thanks in advance.
I don't have any experience with ring worm so I can't really help you with that but here is a link that does say "daily dust baths". He is living by himself or with another male? They need to throw away any of his toys/house as well as scrub the cage clean. Is there any way you can post a picture for others to see and help give advice? As a last resort, is there any way you could buy him and treat him yourself so they don't have to euthanize him?
I forgot to mention that we are also changing out his food/water/toys/hides 2x every day as well, and we are fully disinfecting the cage. I have thought of trying to purchase him but its against policy to sell a sick animal, not to mention I can't really afford to buy him and bring him to a different vet. If I had the money, I would absolutely do that. And no, I don't have a picture of him.
I have always treated my ringworm on everything, including chins ( I had one line that would get ring worm all of the time ) with this mix:

1 part microconozole ( yeast infection med section)
1 part betadine
1 part vaseline

It's messy but works. I also have a friend who uses flowers of sulphur in the dust bath to treat it with very good luck ( same lines as the ones I had issues with)
Please go above this woman, report what she's doing, it's technically malpractice, she's not licensed for exotics, she has absolutely NO right in treating them then killing them when her air-headed methods don't work, which they won't. This woman should be fired, or 'relocated' if you know what I mean. Christ, why are vets such sick people.

Have someone come in that knows what they're doing. At the very least try to get in contact with the head of her practice, she's technically not allowed to do this and could be fired. (I've talked to vets a lot about these matters. A vet who isn't specialized is technically NOT even allowed to talk to you about even simple things, they're just not.)

Maybe some people on the site would be willing to donate a few bucks to help you take them home and treated? I know you're not allowed selling sick animals, but what she's doing is also very against the law.

My sickening, burning hatred for all vets grows.. Maybe try to reason with her? Tell her what she's doing isn't right, as a.. moral sense. It's like shooting your grandmother in the face because she has a cold. It's treatable, see if this woman has a heart, and a brain. Tell her she's using the wrong medications and listen to the people on this board instead. ...Sorry for the incoherent ranting, I just really, REALLY hate vets, and senseless animal slaughter.

..Think I'm going to feel sick for a week. -Oh, visit a real vet and tell them what's going on, they might sell you the drugs you really need over the counter, you never know. I've had to do that.
She is licensed to treat them, justthey are not her specialty, she most commonly sees cats and dogs.. Otherwise the store would not be using them as a vet. However, I know that not all vets that do see exotics are familiar with chinchillas and that was more my point. This is the treatment that has been used successfully for guinea pigs, and I'm pretty sure that's why this was prescribed for the chin. While I disagree with her wanting to euthanize him, I don't think airheaded or heartless applies to her. She's not doing anything out of malice, and her potentially euthanizing him is due to her not wanting him to suffer. I'm just searching out other potential cures in the hope that he can be saved. I'm going to be calling my vet and another that I know of to see if they have any suggestions.
I thought people on here used tinactin diluted in the dust bath? I think I read it in the health Faq list in this same forum, try the first aid kit faq or may there was on for ringworm... hope he improves. Its against policy to sell the animal you could ask the manager to get permission to take the animal and self treat if the vet feels its time to euthanize? Also human doctors do something called a consult, thats where they call another doc that specilizes in the issue at hand and asks advice. See if she is willing to consult with one of the chin vets listed on this site for other treatment options. Phone calls are free after all. ^^ try bringing in a few names/numbers for her to try.

Edit: Here is the FAQ link on CnH:
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I'm sorry, but I've never heard of a case of -murder- over non-fatal ringworm, can't really believe she's not at least a little heartless and clueless, especially if she hasn't been looking for the correct cure, and not the 'what works for another animal' treatment. My vet treats my chinchilla as if he were documented as a rat; That's why my chinchilla is still sick.

Hope things go well for them. Good luck.
Ring worm is not 'sick' so to speak. Yes it can be passed to other animals and rarely to people but it is not life threatening and isn't horribly uncomfortable for the chin, just itchy like if you had allergies. Euth is really not aplicable here for any reason. Tell her you will take the pet in as a rescue to treat and care for your self. Tinactin does work but it is not a overnight fix. It can take weeks for the hair to grow back in which will not give him enough time. If the vet is qualified to see cats and dogs does not mean she can see other pets. To see exotic you have to take special classes which it sounds like she hasn't. Dust baths daily won't hurt him, can just cause his skin to dry out which is what we want. The drier the skin the less moisture for the fungus to grow. Please explain to your boss and vet that the chin is not suffering! Fungus is very common and not life threatenin gin any way.
lease go above this woman, report what she's doing, it's technically malpractice, she's not licensed for exotics, she has absolutely NO right in treating them then killing them when her air-headed methods don't work, which they won't. This woman should be fired, or 'relocated' if you know what I mean. Christ, why are vets such sick people.

She's obviously never dealt with a case of fungus. This doesn't make her sick. It makes her uninformed.

Your boss should be informed that there are treatments for fungus, the vet just hasn't given the right one. Suggest the ones given above, or I personally use Blu-Kote on the fungus. Tinactin will cure advanced fungus, but it might help if it's a mild case.

Please explain to your boss and vet that the chin is not suffering! Fungus is very common and not life threatenin gin any way.

Actually, yes, the chin is suffering. Have you ever had ringworm? It makes you want to rip your skin out from the itching. That doesn't mean the chin should be put to sleep. It just needs to be treated properly. As far as life threatening, again, yes it can be if it isn't stopped. It can become a systemic infection rather than just a simple fungal infection if it isn't treated and cured.

OP - Where are you located? Would your boss be willing to give the chin over to someone's care?
Try using Blu-Kote on affected areas as Peggy suggested (many online stores sell it, just google Blu-Kote).

In addition, I would also mix 2 tablespoons of dust + 2 tablespoons of anti fungal powder (you can purchase it online or at your local pharmacy) and give this bath daily for at least 10 days.

I may take a few weeks to clear up fungus, so be patient.
The issue with the store wanting to put him down if it doesn't clear soon is far more related to the animal taking up space and potentially infecting other animals that are for sale. Like the OP said, they cant sell sick animals and no one will buy a chin from them that looks all patchy even after the fur begins to grow back. Basically the pet store is going to see an animal they can't sell, taking up space of an animal they could be selling.

Best chance for him living I think is if the management agrees to have him go as a rescue to either you or an organization near by that takes chins. After all if they are euthanizing it, it shouldn't be a monetary loss to give him up either...

Also, it sounds like his current treatment is only systemic (oral anti-fungal right?) I think with a skin fungus a topical treatment would work better and should at least be paired with the orals.

Edit: I hear blue kote can dye the skin/hair blueish, which would make the management even less likely to try it, cant sell a blue animal either. -_-
A chin I eventually adopted had such a bad case the he was shaved bald, treated with
griseofulvin orally and pannalog cream topically, it went away in about a month, radical but if its radical or death, its worth a try.
Sorry I dropped off the planet after posting this thread. The holidays took over my life for a bit.
Update on Balthazar:
The initial spots where he had the ringworm have either completely grown back fur or are starting to. A new spot that appeared after he was given a medicated bath is still bare and after seeing it, the vet wanted to carry out her initial plan of euthanizing. A small hissy fit by me, and my managers told her not to euthanize. Now he is in limbo, as I offered to adopt him and bring him to a different vet for a second opinion. My manager doesn't like the idea of letting someone take an actively sick animal home, and has said that since I'm not a vet I am not able to determine whether or not the animal should be euthanized and further, he is uncomfortable questioning the vet's professional opinion. I pointed out that if he were someone's pet, there wouldn't be talk of euthanasia for this. I am still fighting to adopt him, and if I am allowed to, I'll be bringing Balthazar to a vet that only sees exotics and has a great reputation in my area. So, cross your paws & fingers for the little guy...

As far as his meds, he is on an oral antibiotic and a topical anti-fungal medication.
Here are a few pictures from right after I posted the thread:


Sorry that was so big...used a different uploader because photobucket isn't cooperating.
More news: I've been away for a few days and Balthazar's condition has gotten worse. I haven't seen him yet, but the ringworm is continuing to spread down his back and he hasn't been eating much. I have been given permission to adopt him, however. My plan is to order critical care or lifeline or essentials for life and give him that to perk his appetite.
I'm so glad to hear they've given you permission to adopt him. Will you be taking him home today?
Poor little guy :( If you have an exotic vet near you, they may care critical care or lifeline. Otherwise, I know Susan from sells critical care. That's great that you can adopt him though!

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