I'm Leaving! Question

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I have a 4 year old chinchilla that I love more than anything, we have a very close bond and I spend most of my time near her, so she's never lonely.

However, I am going to be leaving for Airforce basic training, which is weeks long and I've never been away from her for that amount of time. She'll be left in the care of my mother.

I am wondering how my chinchilla will take our seperation and if she will remember me when I get home. I'm very worried about leaving her.
I have found that my chinchillas have good memories. I don't think she'll forget you. MacyGray on here was gone from her beloved chin Macy for quite some time and I think she and Macy got along just great after she got back. I hope Mae will come on and give you some answers or perhaps you could PM her.
Good Luck in your basic training--where will you be going? Lackland Air Force Base by any chance?
I thought perhaps this story might help you in your wonder about animals. A friend of mine owned Throughbred race horses. She bred, raced and sold animals. Several years before I met her they sold a nice filly and thought they would like to have her back for a mare. So they traced her down and found her living in terrible conditions. My friends ex husband Chris walked up to the fence line and called the horses name. The horse replied back to Chris and came up to the fence. Upon meeting this horse back on the farm I could see why they looked for her. Really thin but super sweet. Good luck with your training and be safe. Your chin will be happy when your home again.
Thank you for being willing to serve your country! Best wishes for your training, and let us know when you get back. We'll be waiting, and so will your chin <3
As long as he is given proper care while you're gone, everything should be just fine. I had been worried about the same thing... our little Kokomo was in Scott's care while I was gone for about 3 weeks over the holidays (the same time Koko was going through surgery for a broken leg), and he was as sweet as can be when I got back.
when you are reunited just go slow and DON'T be offended. chins - like children - do sulk but come around once they have thrown their little tantrum.

just be patient.
I have found that my chinchillas have good memories. I don't think she'll forget you. MacyGray on here was gone from her beloved chin Macy for quite some time and I think she and Macy got along just great after she got back. I hope Mae will come on and give you some answers or perhaps you could PM her.

Yes, that's me :) I had to leave Macy for about 5.5/6months due to a family emergencey in Ireland.

Macy took to me again really well actually. I too was worried that he would be at stage one again, because it did take him a while to come out of himself when I first got him. No problem though - He was just overjoyed to be back home again. I packed him with everything he needed and gave him in all his favourite things. He did brilliantly.

When I opened the cage for the first time, he zoomed out past me for playtime! :winkers:

So yes, they do have pretty good memories! Just wait and see.

Where will your chinchilla be staying, ChinLove?
Our son went to BMT 2 years ago. When he came home for RAP his chin still remembered him. She did pout for a few days after he left but quickly adjusted. Our 2nd son is going through bmt right now. If you haven't found it yet check out www.bmtgrad.com website for information and support. It is ran by a former TI. Your parents might want to join it so they can have other parents help them through it. Thanks for choosing to serve our country and keep us safe.
How wonderful and exciting to be going away to Airforce Basic Training, but how heartbreaking to be away from your chin. The longest I've been away from my chin is 2 weeks while we were on vacation and that was nothing for her. She was definitely happy to see us again when we got back, though. I'm sure like the others said, she will remember you and quickly warm back up to you. Just remember that at first, you may be happier to see her than she is to see you. I'm sure it will be hard on her when you first are gone, but chins seem to be very adaptable and she'll get along fine with the love and care from your mom. Good luck in training!
Thank you all so much for your responses, they have made me feel much better about being away from my chinchilla. I'm happy to hear that these animals do infact have a long memory, and when I eventually return home my baby won't have forgotten me!

Luckily, she'll be staying with my mom who is the only other person that my chinchilla has a bond with so she shouldn't be too lonely.