If you go out and get a new buddy for your chin, can it change their personality?

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May 21, 2011
chinchilla town
I'm thinking of getting a new friend for my lil fur-ball:)
I'm just worried because the chin I would be getting is laid back and more loving, while mine is skittish and jumpy, and never lets anyone hold him.
I don't think my chin could get any more stubborn(knock on wood) but I'm concerned that the new little guy might start picking up some of my own chin's traits :/
I already answered this question in your other thread, along with several other people. Several of your other duplicate threads have had to be deleted by other staff members as well. If you have anything else pertaining to the same issue, please post in the thread you've already posted asking this same question.

As for the personality change, it could happen. Many people claim that if they pair their chins up, the chins become less bonded with them and more bonded with the other chin. However one of my friendlist chins has a very skittish cage mate, but he still loves to hop out into my hands and jump all over me, and even be carried around.

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