I need to rant...

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2010
AHHHHHHHH! :hair:Some people make me so angry. I help them out, answer all sorts of questions, tell them where they can find more info. Explain all I know, look up and find out what I don't to let them know and they still don't listen! :banghead:

here is a little back story: I recently took in a pregnant female who was housed with her mom, dad, aunts, cousins, nieces and her own two 6 week old kits..... the lady was inbreeding them. the original pair she bought were two 8 week old male kits, turned out to be brother and sister, for the last 4 years she has been letting them breed in a 3 -4 story ferret cage with a crappy wheel, plastic shelves and not baby safe. She would re-home all male babies and keep all female babies in with "dad", by the time I was to take my female (I didn't know all this until I picked her up) she had re-homed all but dad, one 6 week old male kit and my girl.
(now on to the real part of my rant....Well I was contacted by a 16 year old girl who just got a 8 month old from this same lady (she gave her name so I know it's the same!) about a month ago and asked if I could give her some info about chins....I did and told her she may be pregnant also, helped her get prepared for that through email.
Now she just emailed me tonight and said she just took in two more chins with fur chewing issues one male, one female and how can I help her get them from their little cage into the new cage with her possibly pregnant 8 month old..........grrrrr :hair: why did I even bother helping her? She has already tried introducing them, the male was ok with both girls but the girls didn't "like" each other she thought.......:wacko:
I gave her this site and told her to look up the horror stories page as well as the FAQ page but what should I tell her? I really want to just start yelling and tell her that's why I'm doing what I'm doing...rescuing all sorts of chins but mainly rescuing pregnant females from people like her who have no clue what they are doing and then freak out because something went wrong and I end up with several girls who are due to have babies who should never have been bred.

Ok so I feel a little better getting that off my chest to people who understand what I'm going through atm as well as care and love chinchillas just as much as I do and hate seeing them suffer like this....what do you all think I should do?
It's so sad that common sense isn't all that common these days. Some people are just don't care enough to do the research or take anyone's advice, and there's nothing you can do to change them. Sad but true.

Sounds like you told them all the right things to do, but they're just going to keep doing whatever they feel like doing anyway. The best you can do is TRY to keep giving her the correct advice in the hope that one day it'll actually sink in.
So here you educated her on chin care, now she's going to get more chins to do the same thing the other lady was doing. WOW! Now are the other 2 from the same person also? I feel your pain on this.
No they are not from the same place. both new chins are fur chewers, I left her an email that told about some breeding issues I've dealt with with my couple breeding pairs and all my rescues from losing babies and mothers, to fighting siblings to babies being stuck. and sent her the link to the horror stories on this forum. I was a little rude but I've had one heck of a bad day and then I got her email I was pretty upset to say the least.
I just checked my mail and she said she put the male in the smaller cage and the girls are ok in the big cage with each other, no fighting or anything.....SO lets hope it's true and she really has separated them!
Let's hope it is true. Some people will NEVER listen. They think they know it all. All you can do is try and hope. After that let it go, nothing more you can do.
I'm sorry. That is so frustrating. I am becoming even more irritated with people who pretend to want advice but really just want you to tell them what they're doing is okay.