I might be rambling

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Spirit Chaser

Active member
Feb 9, 2012
So its coming up on two years since I got my boys, and they still seem to have a new surprise for me every other time I do anything with them. Domovoi in particular. He's the less social of my two, and a year younger then Haltija. He hates to be held with a passion, though if I lay down in the play area he'll spend all of his play time running up and down the length of my body and poking me in the face till he suddenly decides to go back in his cage and eat hay.

He makes a show of the fact that he trusts me, such as going back into the cage and pointedly going to sleep while I'm doing things like cleaning his cage. I don't think he's actually sleeping when he does it, but I'm supposed to think he is, its ridiculously cute. And now, during dust baths, he doesn't just roll side to side, he rolls all the way onto his back, and then rolls side to side, peeking up at me to see if I'm watching! Then he comes back into the cage, finds my hand and just rests his little chin on it for a moment.

For Haltija's part, he'd rather just ride my hands up and down from his upper half the FN, and get a nose kiss once he's back in the cage, he loves nose kisses. He's not big on theatrics like Domovoi is, though he like to be petted and carried around more. He'll especially put up with being carried if you happen to stop in front of a tv that's on, and he can watch it for a while, till he loses interest in it. He loves anything with piano music in the background.