I know they where lovable but...

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Rob Walker

Cincillà italiano!
Oct 17, 2009
Kingston, NY
Neve has almost been with me for about 4 months, and for the last couple days I noticed a huge change. When I get home she runs to the little door and starts this cute little barking, she'll jump on the couch and just sit next to me or sit on my feet, and to top it off i found a spot to scratch her under her cheek where her one arm will go out in front of her body while she stands on her hind legs stretched out frozen.

It's so funny how these little animals are so cautious at first, but now she's a huge sap.

Sorry for the funny post, I just thought i'd share.
You're smitten and it's easy to see why. They are so cute and really do have personalities like no other pet I know.
LOL I see another chinchilla addict has been formed - those cute, furry master/mistresses know exactly how to train us humans into total, adoring submission. :laughitup:

Isn't finding that special scritching spot just the best thing ever? :)
As my nephew often says, "haha, owned"...doesn't hurt that every little thing they do is adorable...:)
I think this is a wonderful post! It just goes to show that patience and love really works. Neve sounds like a wonderful little chin with lots of personality who's lucky to be in a home that understands and loves her.
Haha, you are so owned by your chin.. Isn't it great? :D I'm wrapped around my furbabies paws.
Such a cute story. It's a wonderful feeling once you have made that bond with them. Then you are addicted for life! ;)