I did it!

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May 29, 2013
After weeks of sourcing for materials, I finally completely the new cage for my chinchilla, Joey.

Difficulties I faced:
- Natural wood is either expensive/hard to come by in Singapore
- Even if a shop did had the wood, they didn't provide them in small batches
- No supply of hanger bolts/fender washers either from hardware stores

- Finally found a local woodmill who was willing to provide the wood pieces in small quantity and customize the dimensions as well
- Changed the fixture to two washers and a screw

Here are some pictures of the final product, enjoy!




Right now I'm working on a pvc pipe to be wrapped in fleece to make a barrel for her to laze in. It will be placed where the hammock is right now as she doesn't seem very fond of the hammock.

Comments about the cage would be great! I'm thinking of what other features I could add. Let me know guys!
Sorry about that.

Just click <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/97214112@N02/sets/72157634026622947/">here</a>. It links to my album on flickr. Thanks!

Hey sorry guys. If the link I provided earlier doesn't work, this is the link and it will worked. I've checked!

<a href="http://flic.kr/ps/2tUtFQ">Joey's cage</a>
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The cage looks very clean haha! Joey is adorable, love his little hands!

Another option you could explore as an alternative to wood would be stone perches. I got my flagstone ledges from birdsontherocks.com (not sure what international shipping is like from there), but you could see how they're made and attempt a DIY with similar materials.
Thanks for all the replies! Btw, my chin is a her! Heh.

Got some new additions to the cage and I'll post photos up soon enough. Will be adding a corner ledge and a couple more jumping ledges.
Aww, she looks adorable! And that's a nice looking cage! :) Might want to consider putting in a safety hammock at about the halfway point in case she tries to make a jump across and doesn't quite make it, it'll safe her fuzzy butt from falling all the way down to the ground and getting hurt.
Have been thinking about adding a safety measure regarding this matter but I can't think of anyway as there is no way of me hanging a hammock in the middle. Do you guys have any other suggestions?