How old is OLD?

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2010
Montgomery County, MD
Hi. Chins could live up to 15~20 years, right?
So, how old do you consider a chin to be a "senior" chin?
What about 4 years old. Not young, but not old...:hmm:
4 years old is young! My oldest chinchilla lived to about 13, and that was up there, but I still wouldn't consider that a senior. I'd say a senior would be around 18-25 years old, although I have heard of a chinchilla up to the age of 28-29 I believe.
I'd put senior at about 10 to 12 years old...anything older than that definitely would be a senior chinchilla most definitely. Some chins will live a lot longer than others, longevity is genetic as well as environmental.

I think chinnie middle age is around 7 to 8 years old. :) Any chin younger than that is young, in my opinion.
I think around 10 or so for chins, although I might be inclined to lean towards 7 or 8 like with dogs and cats. 4 is definitely young in chinchilla years!
hmm... so what's the "conversion" of chin years to human years?

I know some people say that 1 dog year is about 7 human years...but, what about chins?
Take the average lifespan of a human, compare it to the average lifespan of a chinnie (first we'd all need to agree on that...). Some simple math would do the trick...

for example: avg lifespan of a chinnie=10yrs, avg. lifespan of a human in the USA*= 80yrs. That gives us a 1:8 ratio, 8 human years = 1 chin years.

But then again, I may be totally wrong....

*this is pretty important
I have a 17 year old here that is now retired but had a kit over the summer )her last one) I would say 12+ is old
I heard something about a 31 year old chin once...but that was probably just not true. LOL

29 is so incredibly old...that would be something like 200 years old in chin years! Wow, that is amazing. :) I'd want some kits from that boy...
Susan, JAGS had a chin in it's upper 20's I believe, and Ashleigh from Golden Chinchillas in Colorado had a male still actively breeding at 30 or 31, I can't remember which. That might be who you are thinking of.

I agree, I would consider 12+ to be creeping into the senior category. A 4-year-old is just a youngun. :)