How Long can I leave my chin in its cage for?

  • Thread starter Killa Da Chinchilla
  • Start date
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Killa Da Chinchilla

I am wondering how long chinchillas can live in their cages for by themselves. This summer there are going to be a couple of times where I have to go out of town for 2-5 days (only 5 days once). I normally give my chin a good amount of running time when i get home 1-4 hrs. But when he stays in there for a whole day he doesnt seem to be more hyper or anxious. My cage is roughly 19 in wide 29 in tall and long. I know he may not enjoy the extended time in his cage but if i have to how long is acceptable, obviously I would leave plenty of water and food. thanks for your help
I may have read that wrong, but do you mean you are going to leave your chin alone while you are gone for 2-5 days? If so, absolutely not. You cannot leave your chin unattended for that long. What if his water bottle should break? Or he tips over his food dish and it spells out of the cage? What if he were to get caught in the bars or get sick?

If you mean someone else will be checking on your chin every single day that you are gone, and making sure that everything is okay, he'll be fine until you get back. If he's used to lots of run time when you are home, he won't be happy -- but he'll get over it.

The cage you describe isn't very big. Does it have a wheel in it? A chin safe wheel would help to cut down on the boredom while you are agone. Chin save means a solid running surface, no spokes, no mesh. you also want something you can mount securely to the side of the cage so that the wheel doesn't come loose and end up pinning your chin underneath.

Deja vu - Did I answer this question on Yahoo by any chance? :)
I completely agree with Tunes. There is no way you can leave a chin without anyone to check on them for even a day. So many things can go wrong! What if the a/c breaks, or he escapes from the cage? You need someone that you trust to come give him new water, food, and check everything. If you must, pet sitting companies will usually watch exotics, or maybe do you have a vet you go to that could pet sit?
I was gone for two weeks on vacation and left my chin in her cage during that time. I had my parents over to check on my zoo of animals daily. My chin did fine during that time. I wouldn't suggest anyone do the same, but it can be done. I had a chin spin in her cage so she could get some exercise. Just make sure you have someone reliable to keep an eye on your chin and make sure this person knows what vet to use in case of emergency.
You need to have someone come by at least once a day to check on the chinchilla and feed him/water him.
You either need someone to come by daily, or if you have no one, your local vet, one that offers boarding, may house him for you.
I would not leave a chin alone for very long especially in the summer. I would see if he could stay with someone so you know the temp is ok.

When I had to be hospitalized awhile back, and lived alone, my dad came up about three times a day to take care of all my animals. And with the chins, i pointed out what to look for [actually wrote a list of things on paper so he wouldn't forget] and if he noticed any of the symtoms I told him about, I told him to get the chin to the vet ASAP. I told him things like the runs, or constipation, not eating, acting lathargic, etc. the important things that would need medical treatment. I was so worried even though he was coming over so much, but thankfully when I got home, everyone was perfectly fine.

Yep, someone needs to be checking at least once a day on the animals. Even then, something can go wrong and you don't want it to go unnoticed for days on end.
After seeing this thread and the other im still saying its a troll
I agree, and we don't even have a "Don't feed the trolls" icon!
lol i love that icon! for the time being this can be the troll icon :banghead:
I doubt this person is a troll, since he asked the same question on Yahoo and I referred him here. He took the time to join and get his questions answered.

It seems more likely, he doesn't like the answer and isn't going to respond, or he got the answers he wanted somewhere else.

Just in case he might come back and actually listen to the advice given, can we stop with the troll comments Cola?
I don't know if this has been answered like this or not, but I think he meant how long can they be in their cage without coming out for activity...If that's your question, chins can be like any other caged animal...meaning they don't NEED to come out of their cage, just leaving them in there and not playing with them isn't really that great for them. Playing with them gives them the opportunity to run around in more than just a cage, and it bonds you with them.