How do you know if you're allergic to chins?

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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2012
I just recently developed an extreme allergic reaction to something and it's caused really really bad bumps and rashes all over my body. I suspect that the cause is some cream that I had started using, however, I stopped using it several days ago and the rash has reduced but not gone away.

This brought back memories of postings that I've seen in Kijiji where people were selling their chins due to allergies even though they're saddened to see them go after having taken cared of them for years.

How do you know if you're allergic to chins? I'm hoping that's not one of the factors with my reactions right now. I started taking care of chins 2 years ago and I know allergies can kick up at any time, but I guess I'm just curious.

Either way, I'm likely to have to do an allergy test soon to find out if my allergies have changed since 5 years ago.
For most people they seem to be allergic to what the chin uses. Like their dust, shavings or hay. I get a lot of surrenders because of that.
I got back from the doc and according to him, it's really unlikely that I'm allergic to my chins. He said animal allergies usually affect breathing not the skin.
I had a doctor tell me once that you can continue to react to something that you are allergic to for up to 2 weeks.
I'm allergic to being alive. They can't find any food or anything specific that I'm allergic to but I sometimes just get hives and have to take Zyrtec when I need it.

I have had allergy issues with both rabbits and ferrets and it was like having a permanent cold.
I originally posted this because I was curious what chin allergies were like but I figured I can finish my story...

I'll admit to something sad but ironic but funny so you all can laugh and pity me at the same time. :)

I had a little bit of dermatitis on my face so I put on a little hydro-cortisone cream. It itched more and spread, so I put on more, it spread and itched more, I ran out of cream and went out to buy more powerful cream. It spread all most of my body and I was about to rip my skin off... I hadn't gone through this before so I go to the clinic and they tell me I'm allergic to something and to figure out what it was and avoid it and take allergy pills.

I realized that the only new item I used was the hydro-cortisone cream... I'm allergic to the creams used to reduce the itch and swelling from allergies... Ironic huh? I realized this like an idiot.

It's been 2 days since I started taking the Benadryl and I've been sleeping almost all days because it's knocking me out. I go back to the clinic to see if there's other alternatives and show them the nasty cream that caused all this mess... Doc gives me some options and writes a prescription for some topical cream to help reduce the itches...

Here's the kicker... The new cream is like the super version of the cream that caused this to begin with and I'm flared up head to toe right now and I'm laughing at how stupid I was to use the prescription cream, and how dumb the doc was to prescribe it.

Check out my arm.

Wow, you do have a nasty rash!

FYI, you could take Zyrtec or Allegra (both are OTC and have generics available) instead of Benadryl. They're antihistamines like Benadryl but cause much less drowsiness.

Glad it's not likely from your chinchillas and hope you're feeling better soon!
I have had similar rashes and I really feel for you. I can not use most of the creams out there because I am allergic to alcohol (all kinds) and most creams have it in them.
From what I have read chinchillas do not usually produce dander which is what will cause allergies. I am allergic unfortunately to everything under the sun and I have had bumps such as those before from being in the room while my chins are playing. I know that for me personally it is not my chins but the dust, hay, and even there poop that gives me allergies, but not the chinchillas themselves. You may be having the same reactions.
oh my goodness I feel your pain! I'm allergic to anything that goes on your skin! (I have to be very careful with makeup, and lotions) My skin is so sensitive that fabrics that are too dirty will give me hives! Really gentle face cleansers make my skin burn and itch...and glitter...oh god anything glitter is like my skin is on fire! Needless to say I dont tend to try new things unless I know its hypoallergenic and even then I might still have reactions to it.

Last time I went to a concert they sprayed glow in the dark paint into the crowd. I was in the front row and got it all over me and then my face and skin began burning like if I had taken a straightener to my face and I started screaming and crying and my boyfriend had to drag me out of the crowd to the bathrooms. I then broke out in terrible hives later that night...

Unless its really extreme hives I usually just take allegra or a generic allergy pill. Except the first night i will usually take benedryll. I would be so mad at my doctor if he did that to me! I really hope you feel better soon and glad it's not your chinchilla's causing this! (and sorry for blabbing)
What type of dust are you using for your chinchillas? I've noticed that when people develop allergies to chinchillas it normally ends up being the dust or the hay that cause the problems.

It probably was the cream that you were using...that's really severe!
I had a reaction like that once but it covered my whole body :-( it was awful so I totally feel your pain. The doctor said it was a reaction to the anti-biotics id just finished a course of. it took a few days to go away even with anti-histimines.

Id say probably the cream. I have a guinea pig allergy and it is like a cold, sneezing and itching in my throat, wherever they lie on my arms I get a little rash like yours and if they lick me it swells up where they have licked.
Wowsa, ouch!

I looked like that the first summer down here due to the mosquitoes. I ITCHED!

I also look like that if I get scratched using blue cloud to dust the chins. :(

I have found the most relieving thing is to put green tea bags on the spots. It makes my itching less and most people aren't allergic to it. You can also use witch hazel (it's a clear liquid found in most pharmacies).
i'm allergic to a few types of crustaceans, while my roommate cannot eat nuts...

if your throat itches and you get hives, after having eaten one, yer probably allergic... do not eat, after that...
Thanks everyone for their concerns. Yeah it was the hydrocortisone cream and thankfully not anything to do with the chinnies or their stuff.

Because it had already spread to 90% of my body, there was very little that could help right away without knocking me out. A few days later, I ended up in the ER with problems breathing and scared the nurses and docs cause they said they'd never seen a case that bad before and that it was extremely rare to see it coming from medication used to help reduce the itches and swelling to which they prescribed even stronger meds that knocked me out twice as much as the benadryl. I probably have been sleeping about 18 hours a day for the past week. I also got some cream that didn't contain meds to help with the itches. Or maybe I don't itch as much because I'm knocked out cold. Haha.

Long haul but I've been fighting this for 2 weeks now and hopefully this will be over with in the next. I hope never to go through this again but what a rough way to figure out an a new allergy and how ironic it is... I think the gods like playing cruel jokes on me. Haha.
That is one nasty rash! When I was young, for some reason I got something like that all over my face. I had to go to one of those emergency care clinics lol but I don't really remember much else aside from looking terrible.
I'm allergic to chinchilla dust. Of course that's something you don't realize until after you've adopted a chinchilla, and I just decided to deal with it. I can't be near them when they have their baths, so I have a melamine cage in the garage for that and give ample time for the dust to settle before bringing them back in. They also can't be up in my face or I sneeze and cough and wheeze like crazy. Anytime I carry them, I have to wash my hands immediately after. It sucks that I can't be super cuddly with them, but they aren't the cuddling type anyway!
I also used to feel sick all the time--constantly coughing and always had a stuffy nose. Finally, I invested in an air filter. Boy do chinchillas shed! It's a miracle, I haven't been sick in just over 2 years. :D
You have my sympathies. I LOVE my allergist, at her office they know me well enough to not even offer any of the "anti-itch" cream they usually give folks after an allergy test, as they know that would make things worse for me. I have ridiculously sensitive skin, but not as bad as my sister, who cannot even use soap!

You need a better allergist! If you were near Boston, I'd give you mine's number, as she is great and smart and understand that people do love their pets and will give people tips to live more symptom-free with them!

As for safe anti-itch - a tepid bath with baking soda. Yes it's temporary, but you will feel better and not worse, I promise!
wow, it seems there's quite a few people sensitive to the dust. Aren't there any alternatives?