Holding upside down?

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2010
I was just reading in the tail debate thread about holding chins by the tail. I am still not used to it as i still need to learn the right amount of grip, as he often slips and i let go so not to break his tail!! BUT thats not the thing. Whilst there a lot was mentioned about holding the chin by the tail upside down? and many said it calms them down...what is this? never heard it, could someone please explain?
Holding the chin firmly by the base of the tail while supporting their body with your other hand is the safest way to hold a chin. And yes it does calm them down dramatically. They will still squirm but this is much safer than holding them around their middle because you can easily crack ribs and slip big chunks of fur. Not to mention they can jump out of your arms and be injured if you are not holding the base of the tail.

You don't want to grab them by the end of the tale as they can slip the fur cap off their tail. It will grow back eventually but it's not pretty.

As far as holding them upside down, the only time I do this is if I am grooming a chin and not for very long. Generally I try to groom them on my lap - makes my arm less tired.
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