Help! What's happening to my chinchilla!

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Aug 14, 2012
My chinchilla is making odd yelping/crying noises. I am scared for the life of him! Do you know what may be happening? He makes a slight sneezing noise and then cries. :(
Some chins are just really talkative. If it's sort of like a barking, he's just calling out.
He's barking. Even though he's not in the herd, the instinct is still there to warn the herd if something bothers him.
yeah dont let it bother you too much my gus does the same thing and i started bringing flash light to bed and everytime he would make noise i would shine light on him and he would stop as if to say he master are you payingattention to me, im sure your chin is fine sleep well
The snuff noise then call means he is really scared at something, it may be a real thing or in his mind.
Okay thanks a ton yall! I was freaking out but he's doing fine right now. :) Thanks!