Help! female or male? D:

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Hey is this a male or a female? I can`t really tell and sorry for the bad picture he kept wiggling around. And yes, he`s pooing. Another question, do chins poo when they`re scared? Cause everytime i take them out to clean the cage my two chins poo a lot..
The pictures not the best, but I'd say a male. The females have almost a sharp point and the males are more rounded.

Yes, sometimes they poo when scared. Or when they breathe, sleep, eat, jump, drink..................
LOL, I would have said female Peggy, there is not a very large space though it could be the angle of the photo...Can you take another pic? Chins poo pretty much all the time LOL. Why do your chins barely eat, did you just get them? If they are young and not same sex you will need to separate them so they do not breed...
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When they are just little, there is very little space in there. It's not at all like when they are adults. That's why some people have a hard time sexing little tiny ones. They can really look alike. But usually on the cone on a female, it's a little pointed. Probably TMI, but there ya go anyway. It's not usually rounded like that.

Like I said, the pictures not the best, but he looks like a boy chin to me.
Jessers, can you take a new picture? This time have the chin facing away from you and lift the tail, leaving the front paws on the ground. This should get you a better picture with less chinnie squirming. It'll also let us see the spacing and such much better than a top view.

I swear I see a vaginal slit...but it could also be shadow. I know what you're talking about though Pegs...the female's urethral cone usually comes to a slight point. It aids in the directing their urine...hence why they are so darn good at spraying YOU! I have however seen some females with rounded I'm not going to guess on the gender until there's a better picture, lol!
Tab, I must really be old. All I can see on that is fuzz and blur. I definitely can't see a slit.

Maybe it's time to get new glasses....................
Tab, I must really be old. All I can see on that is fuzz and blur. I definitely can't see a slit.

Maybe it's time to get new glasses.................... IS a blurry picture. Can't expect your old eyes to see as well as mine! :neener:

/me runs and hides from Peggy's dusty wrath!
Does your camera have a macro setting? It should be a little flower symbol, and that will allow the camera to focus on closer objects.

Because see now in those pics it kind of looks more like a girl to me.
yeah it does and i turned it on but normally when i take pictures it`s clear, maybe because he is moving too much. :/
Yup, in that one looks like a girl. The first one I would have said a boy, but that second set of pictures doesn't even look close to the same as the first set.

And wow, those are even more blurry than the first one! :)
LMAO! Ok the picture went from blurry to blurrier and now everyone is sure. lol. I think everyone is just making it up as they go along. J/k.

On a serious note, my vote is for female!
Lol sometimes the angle changes the fact that it's blurry! Thanks everyone:)

If you hold your chin and lift the cone and theres a big space between the cone and anus then its a boy if there real close together its a girl. From that last pic I was thinking boy but it was WAY WAY blurry and my eyes aren't the best either so I wouldnt say 100% sure