Hedgehog Questions

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2011

I have two chinchillas but ever since I have started using this site more and more I have discovered how adorable hedgehogs are. I have been doing my research within all of the forums on the hedgehogs and I am seriously considering getting one for my birthday which is in June.
However, I have a few questions because I would rather ask other hedgie owners the questions instead of reading everyone else's questions!

1. Are they hard to hold? I have always thought of a hedgehog as a very prickly so you couldn't hold them.
2. You have to give them actual baths?
3. They quill, what exactly is that and how often does it happen?
4. Do they smell? A few people on here have an issue with the odor they put off. I had ferrets so I know how bad some animals can smell. Is it a small odor or one that you can't get away from?
5. What is a good age to get a hedgie? If they are small don't you have to take special care for them?
6. I know they are like chinchillas because they sleep all day and they like to be up during the night. Do they need wheels and different things like that in their cages?
7. Some people feed them catfood? Is that really true?

And if anyone else has anything I should know I would love to hear it! I am very fascinated with these little guys :)

1. Are they hard to hold? I have always thought of a hedgehog as a very prickly so you couldn't hold them.

It really depends on the hedgehog. Unsocialized, or shy hedgehogs can be difficult as they will tend to curl up into quill balls and can be quite prickly to handle. However a hedgehog that is social and has its quills laid down can be strangely soft, not chinchilla soft though.

2. You have to give them actual baths?
When they need them yes. Some hedgehogs are really clean and hardly ever need them, others can be slobs and require them more frequently. Bath time isn't difficult, and really should be limited to only if they need them as it can be drying to their skin

3. They quill, what exactly is that and how often does it happen?
Quilling means they are shedding their baby quills and growing in adult quills. Its a process that babies go through. Adult hedgehogs will loose the occasional quill, but they will not go through a "quilling" unless they have suffered something traumatic. Like a mite infestation or other health problem that left their quills damaged.

4. Do they smell? A few people on here have an issue with the odor they put off. I had ferrets so I know how bad some animals can smell. Is it a small odor or one that you can't get away from?

Hedgehogs have very little odor. They do have a very faint scent though. The biggest scent you may notice is the smell of feces. Hedgehogs poop while running and they run through it on their wheels. Fresh poop can leave a scent in the room. However, their feces dries pretty quickly and the smell shouldn't last long.

5. What is a good age to get a hedgie? If they are small don't you have to take special care for them?
Any age hedgehog can be a good pet. Babies are not that much different from adults. You may have to soften their kibble at first and ensure that wire spacing for cages is appropriate. But there isn't that much special about them.

6. I know they are like chinchillas because they sleep all day and they like to be up during the night. Do they need wheels and different things like that in their cages?

Yes, an exercise wheel is a must, they need a lot of exercise. As mentioned above hedgehogs do poop while running and they will poop on their exercise wheels. You will have to clean a poop smeared wheel if you have a hedgehog.

7. Some people feed them catfood? Is that really true?
Most of us feed cat food. Many hedgehog foods are completely inappropriate and some are even harmful to hedgehogs. A good quality, low fat cat food is what most of us feed.

And if anyone else has anything I should know I would love to hear it! I am very fascinated with these little guys :)

Keep reading Rachel. Hedgehogs are wonderful animals, but they really are not for everyone. One thing to also consider is temperature requirements. What is appropriate to a chinchilla is too cold for a hedgehog. Hedgehogs must be kept at 72F at a minimum. Some require their environment to be higher. I have one right now that needs 76F. If kept too cool they attempt hibernation which can kill them.